The Monkie Kid

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Red Son knelt before MK, as if he was a servant again. "...I sorry." He whispered.

MK blinked before walking over. "You're...sorry?"

"I'm sorry I took you away from your father. Your friends. Your family. Because of me, your home is being destroyed." He whimpered.

"Red Son, I..." MK then took a breath. "I know, cuz. I know. I'm not sure if I'm gonna forgive you this quickly, but...that isn't what the world needs right now. We need to stop our technical cousin and his crazy father from destroying the world with their fight. Whaddya say we work together one last time?"

Red Son was speechless. MK just...forgave him? Maybe deep down he didn't because they had other matters to attend too, but how in the world could The Monkie Kid be so forgiving?

"...Thank you." Red Son said before Guanyin teleported them both back to the mortal realm. Red Son awoke as if nothing had happened and saw the two giant demons fighting to the death, even though both were immortal and couldn't die. But then, he felt a golden shine rise from the ground.

DBK turned and then gasped as a golden being shot out from MK's grave and landed onto the ground. Then, there stood MK.

Mei and Tang's eyes widened and they filled with tears. "MK...?" They both asked.

MK smirked and then, in a burst of golden light, zoomed into the air and with all his might, he went towards Yaoguai's giant demon form and SLAMMED his fist into the center eye.

Yaoguai screamed in pain, holding his eye and stumbling around the city. He roared before uncovering his center eye to see who dared to defy him before he gasped. "NO!!! IMPOSSIBLE!!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!!"

MK shrugged. "I know! I guess I'm harder to kill than Red Son or you thought!" He held out his hand, and the Golden Staff came from Yaoguai and into MK's hand. The Monkie Kid then swung it, sending a GIANT slash of golden energy, which hit Yaoguai. The demon spirit stumbled backwards again before roaring.

"I'LL KILL YOU A MILLION TIMES IF I HAVE TOO!!!" Yaoguai roared as he lunged at MK. For once, his plan was failing and he was losing his cool.

MK gasped and then quickly dodged the giant fist coming towards him. Thankfully he could fly. But then, he saw Macaque swing his giant arm towards MK.

"I'VE BEEN WAITING CENTURIES FOR A FIGHT LIKE THIS!!!!" Macaque laughed as he turned back to his normal form and grabbed his staff, zooming over to MK and the two began to clash, swinging their staffs against each other's, the purple and gold weapons colliding again and again and again as the two continued to fight for what seemed like ever.

Yaoguai smirked and then turned back into his original form as well and summoned his own dark staff like his father could and zoomed over, actually helping his creator fight MK.

MK couldn't keep up. Two of the most powerful demons in the Netherworld, one who was possessing The Monkey King himself, could win a fight with him easily. Then, as if on cue, Macaque and Yaoguai slammed both of their fist into MK's gut, sending him downwards and onto the road.

Yaoguai laughed before turning to his father and then his eyes glowed a brighter red. Macaque smirked and then began fighting his creation again.

"They're just fighting for the hell of it..." DBK realized before seeing his son run over to MK.

"You can't fight them on your own." Red Son said as he helped his cousin up.

"What about your friends?"

"Unconscious. They can't help us. And also, they're not my friends."

MK just rolled his eyes. "SURE." But then he faced the place where his friends were and gasped, zooming over and cutting Mei and Tang free, the unconscious Sandy and Pigsy after. Mei began to sob and tackled and hugged MK.

"M-M-MK!!!" Mei bawled, holding MK tight.

"I missed you too, Mei. But we're gonna need to settle reunions later, okay? We need to save my dad and stop those two psychopaths." MK said.

Tang sniffled and nodded before getting an idea and facing Red Son. "Do you still have The True Fire of Samahidi?"

Red Son tilted his head, but nodded.

"Can you somehow transfer it to MK? Maybe we can do the same with Mei's sword. Give him a power boost."

Mei was about to protest before thinking deeply about it. "Yeah...That could work!"

"Well. Not sure there's a way I can transfer Mei's sword like I can my fire...But I do have a spell that I learned from Jei to transfer both of our powers and into MK. It's how I powered up the clones."

"Then let's do it now." DBK said as he walked over.

Red Son nodded and was then given Mei's sword by Tang, despite Mei giving him a glare. Red Son took a deep breath and began to chant. And with each word spoken, Red Son could feel his flame and the energy of The Dragon Blade fade and transfer into MK. And when he said the final word?

MK's hair turned blue and lit aflame, along with green energy flowing around him. The Monkie KId then smirked. "Let's try this again! Try and help the others!" He told them before zooming up into the sky again.

Yaoguai and Macaque kept fighting, red and purple blurs colliding and causing the sky itself to light up. But then? They turned to see MK.

"Time for a rematch!!" MK laughed.

Yaoguai and Macaque smirked. "Maybe it's time for some father-son bonding." Macaque suggested the two charged at MK and the fight began once again. But every attack Yaoguai and Macaque performed, MK could somehow be protected from it.

Macaque finally had enough and then turned into the Smoke Monster again and made his staff go giant and he raised it into the air.

MK gasped and then spun his staff around, the mystic weapon radiating green and blue energy. He then pointed it upwards, and suddenly, a GIANT beam of fire and green energy fired at Macaque, shattering his staff into pieces.

Macaque gasped and then was hit by the all powerful beam. He screamed in pain before being sent halfway across the world. "NOOOOOO-!"

MK smirked before facing Yaoguai.


MK readied his staff before seeing golden outlines beginning to replace the red aura around Yaoguai. "Yeahhh...About that. You forgot one thing."

Yaoguai tilted his head before suddenly the golden aura began to surround him. "WHAT?! NO!! HE'S BREAKING FREE!"

"Dad's gonna be relieved that I'm ok." MK said before grabbing Yaoguai and RIPPING HIS SPIRIT out of Wukong's body and then screaming as he blasted it with the Dragon Blade's energy and The True Fire of Samahidi.

Yaoguai screamed in pain before his red aura and spirit was blasted into nothingness and the evil demon disappeared.

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