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Red Son sighed as he finally welded the rest of Ironclad's body before turning to The Horned Demons. He sometimes wondered how the two got their hands on 5 of the most powerful weapons in the universe. They weren't very good demons. Just nuisances. Tricksters at best. But then again, Calabash was a good plan that even Red Son was envious of.

"So, why do you think uniting the other demons that my uncle has beaten is a good idea?" Red Son asked.

Gin shrugged. "Seems like a good idea. We don't have many other ideas and we're only recruiting the strongest. Like The Spider Queen and her evil clone, Jei The Samahidi Demon, and-"

"Jei? My father's servant?" He asked, surprised.

Jei was a demon that was made entirely of the true fire of Samahidi, but DBK and Iron Fan had enslaved him by using a seal that controlled his body and mind by force. He was basically an all powerful butler before he destroyed the seal after DBK was trapped and went away. He was Red Son's teacher before he went free, teaching him how to harness the true power of the flame.

"Yeah! We managed to find him one day and we're hoping that maybe his fire can harm Wukong enough for the rest of us to take him down- You know, let's just go over the plan again." Yin said. "Step 1, save Red Boy."

"That's not my name anymore-"

"Shut up, mate. It was your original name and we're calling you it." Yin growled. "Step 2, save Ironclad after filling Red Boy in on the plan. Step 3, untie the past villains into taking down Monkey King. And finally, Step 4. Take Monkey King down."

"I'm kinda scared of Step 4 to be honest." Gin said, leaning against the table. "Well, we better hurry before The Monkey King does some demented demon trick to go and catch us with demonic monkeys or something."

Yin nodded and then walked over to Red Son. "How's the bull?"

Red Son was about to answer before Ironclad woke up with a groan. He looked around, confused at what just happened. But then, the son of Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan hugged the robotic general.

Ironclad looked from side to side before patting the (technical) prince's back, letting him know it was ok.

"Aww, that's sweet." Yin said.

"Yeah." Gin agreed before forcing the hug to break. "Okay, sweet time's over. Time to go!"

Ironclad made some snorting noises, since he couldn't talk in other ways.

"Long story, we're trying to stop Wukong and-" He almost threw up. "Hel-" He gagged. "H E L P everyone."

Ironclad tilted his head, but decided not to question why they were suddenly going to save the world from The Monkey King's new demonic partner, along with Red Son's inability to say 'help' in a kind way.

They all got in the Horned Demon's vehicle, which combined into one before they all zoomed off after Yin activated a turbo boost of some kind. They zoomed out of their base and through the city. Gin then looked at a tablet and went into the file of The Spider Queen.

The Spider Queen was a demon that had tried to eat Sanzang to become immortal and increase her power in her empire. The tablet also said she had 6 sisters not including herself, but that wasn't important. What was important was that she had a mystic weapon and her own MK clone that wasn't powered by just MK's chi. Instead, chi and a dark magic that even Gin didn't recognize. She fought MK with the clone and her powers, and terrified The Monkie Kid because of his severe arachnophobia, but still a powerful threat even if he wasn't scared of spiders. She would be a perfect addition to the team.

"Big bro! Where does Spider Lady even live?" Yin called out.

Gin flipped through file after file before coming across one and smirking. "Found it! The Silken Web Cave. Just go to the sewer system and we should be fine."

"The sewer?" Red Son gagged. "I'm royalty! Why on Earth would I-"

"Do you wanna die or get drenched in webs and or sewage?" Yin asked.

Ironclad snorted, saying he'd rather live than die.

"Exactly what the robot bull said, so you're just gonna have to live with it." Gin said before hearing a boom and screeches. He looked back before screaming.

"What is it?!" Yin cried out.


Red Son turned around before his eyes widened and the little glasses he had nearly fell off his face.

Gin's joke from earlier was correct. There were a bunch of Wukong's generals from Flowerfruit Mountain chasing after them. But they were different. They were taller and more evil looking, their eyes glowing red. And they certainly were faster. They were mutated.

"GO FASTER, GO FASTER, GO FASTER!!!" Red Son screamed, shaking Yin from behind. Yin obeyed and pulled a lever, zooming away and after making a few turns, they found a tunnel and went in, turning into the Sewer System, escaping.

One of the generals went inside the tunnel and looked around. They had lost The Horned Demons. The general growled before walking out, losing interest along with the rest.

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