The Spider Queen

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(Who else loves Gin and Yin? Cause other than a certain six eared demon, these two are my absolute favorites.)

Needless to say about the new heroes (kinda)' attempts at driving through a sewer system and a tunnel, they ended up crashing. Gin growled as he hopped out and kicked the vehicle. "This thing took us 3 years to finally get working!!!"

"Nah. 3 days at best." Yin said simply, looking at the damage. "It doesn't look that damaged. Besides, ain't Red Son a mechanic?"

"I guess that's true." Gin said with a shrug before seeing Red Son and Ironclad get out of the now damaged vehicle.

Red Son looked around, before seeing cobwebs, disgusting looking purple and green goo, and of course, spiders. He nearly threw up. "I want to burn this whole cave and then myself! I feel like a peasant." He stumbled around, covering his mouth as he tried to prevent throwing up.

Ironclad just patted his back, his eyes narrowing.

"Jeez, you'd think with his parents gone, he'd be a little more humble." Gin whispered, not wanting Red Son to hear.

"He's a little more tolerable at least. Plus, we don't know what's happened to DBK." Yin said back before the group went deeper into the cave.

They all looked around for The Spider Queen, but couldn't find her anywhere. Only little spiders and (most likely) dead victims spun around inside little web cocoons.

Red Son looked from side to side, and even upwards to see any trace of the demoness before hearing a ticking sound of some kind. It was faint, but only he seemed to hear it. "Did any of you hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what?" Yin asked, turning around.

The ticking sound was heard again, but this time louder.

"Look what's fallen into my little web~" A voice laughed before a giant shadow crawled down and behind the group.

Yin turned around before screaming at the top of his lungs and holding his brother, shivering. Gin narrowed his eyes and was debating whether he should drop his brother or not.

Red Son hid behind Ironclad, who was just wondering who The Spider Queen was. He'd heard of her, but the two had never formally met.

"DBK's little boy, a pair of twins, and a Bull Clone. Hmmm, not what I wanted in my cave, but still something, isn't it?" The Spider Queen giggled, hopping off her giant spider leg mech.

Gin tilted his head. "Wait, wait. Those things AREN'T your legs?"

The Spider Queen snorted. "A pretty face isn't always gonna get me dinner, sweet thing."

Yin then cleared his throat and got off his brother's arms. "So, uhh, nice place?"

"Oh, don't compliment this shaggy and silky old place. It's no empire." She then turned to them, grabbing her scepter. "Why are you here?"

Red Son walked over. "We...We need your H-E-L-P."

"Help? Why do YOU need MY help? Did ol' Monkie Kid beat you again?" Spider Queen laughed.

They all stayed silent, before Red Son sighed sadly and spoke up. "The opposite. I killed Monkie Kid."

The Spider Queen was actually shocked by those words. She looked at Red Son, as if trying to process what he said and seeing if it were true. "You? You killed him?"

Gin walked over with the tablet and showed The Spider Queen the recording of the death of MK. The Spider Queen's green eyes widened for a moment, but she nodded. "I see. So, you all aren't lying'. But why do you need my help? You basically won, Red Son."
"Because by killing him, we may have accidentally unleashed an evil spirit." Yin explained. "Wukong's going crazy."

"Wukong?" The Spider Queen asked with a slight growl. The Monkey King was the reason she was even in such a pitiful empire and why her sisters were all dead. But then again, when demons died, they would become spirits in The Netherworld. So her sibling's loss wasn't that big of a loss.

They all nodded. "Yeah. And we're making a big team to try and stop him before he goes on to kill all of us for even hurting MK in the past!"

"He mainly wants to kill Red Son." Yin said, pointing to Red Son himself.

"And lemme guess, you want ME to join and help you?" The Spider Queen asked.

"U-Uhh...Please?" Red Son asked.

The Spider Queen thought, long and hard before smirking. A smirk that confused the demons into thinking that either she was going to help or try to seduce one of them. Or maybe that's just how she smiled. It still made people go crazy after all. "I'll gladly help. I've been wanting some payback."

She then whistled, and suddenly an MK clone hopped down and next to his mistress. Their skin was purple like hers and his eyes were green like hers as well. They had a black and green jacket and purple pants. The evil twin of The Monkie Kid.

"The Spider Kid." Yin joked, making Ironclad snort. But not as if the robotic bull were speaking.

"So, who else is in this little group of ours?" Spider Queen asked.

"Jei, White Bone Demon, and The Six Eared-"

"WHAT?!" Red Son screamed. "The White Bone Demon?! She'll never help us!!"

Ironclad tried to agree with his prince, snorting in the ways of speaking. Screaming: 'She's an evil psychopath.'

Everyone looked at each other, seeing they were ALL evil psychopaths.

"I've met the lady before. REALLY hates Wukong." Spider Queen said simply. "She'll join if we get to say she can kill Wukong."

Gin nodded before turning to his brother. "Okay, now say the last part again."

Yin made sure everyone was quiet before saying the final member on the list. "The Six Eared Macaque."

Everyone, even The Spider Kid gasped, who hid behind his creator and mistress.

Ironclad was in Red Son's arms, shivering.

"What? It's just an evil six eared monkey demon who is more powerful than all of us and was the closest to defeating Sun Wukong and MK, who beat us all up-" Yin then realized it. "Yeahhh, he might kill us or betray us, but it's worth a shot."

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