Rescue Mission

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The Gold Horned Demon/King flew around the city, and saw it was almost destroyed. Normally, he'd be proud of this if it were him doing it, but it wasn't. It was Sun Wukong and the red spirit descended into madness.

He looked around, trying to see the general of The Bull Clones anywhere. He kept looking, even landing on a building to get a better view of the ground. But then his red eyes widened.

Ironclad was in Wukong's grip, but his arm and leg were missing, and sparking. He was bleeding oil and barely able to remain online.

Wukong growled. "YOU...YOU TOOK MY SON. MY MK."

Ironclad wasn't able to speak or snort, because one, he never had a voice box to begin with, and two, because he was in excruciating pain. He tried to struggle, but only moved the arm he still had.

MK's team were all unconscious and on the ground below Monkey King. The former Immortal Trickster growled and tightened his grip.

Then, a red glow surrounded his body and Wukong began to hear whispers. Commands.

"KILL HIM. DESTROY HIM. HE HELPED RED SON TAKE MK AWAY." The voice whispered. But it wasn't the White Bone Spirit. She was long gone and defeated by MK. This was a male voice and someone new. That red glow Gin and Yin discovered.

"YES..." Wukong growled as he lifted the staff.

Gin activated his jet pack. "That's my cue!" He took out the golden naginata or the Palm Leaf Naginata and flew in, slicing Wukong in the face and then shooting out Hellfire from the weapon.

Wukong cried out in pain as he dropped Ironclad and stumbled backwards. He growled, his eyes glowing a dark and crimson red. "GIN."

Gin grabbed Ironclad and then gulped before shooting out bursts of flames at Wukong again.

Wukong roared as the flames licked at his armor and cape. But he stomped the ground, and the flames disappeared after the red spirit somehow made the flames disappear.

Gin gulped before flying into the air with Ironclad in his grip. He then flipped off Wukong before flying away quickly, thinking only one word in his mind as he zoomed off. 'FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY, FLY!!!'

Wukong roared like a feral animal and summoned his cloud to chase after Gin, before the red spirit stopped him.

The red spirit then took form as an identical primate to Sun Wukong, but with spiked armor and only red and black surrounding their face, fur, and body. "LET HIM LIVE FOR NOW. IRONCLAD IS NOT IMPORTANT."

Wukong sighed and made the cloud disappear. "Yes..." He then faced MK's friends. "I..I should let them go too. MK would-"


"But MK would want them to-"

"MK CAN'T TELL YOU ANYTHING, SUN WUKONG." The red spirit then forced Wukong to look at MK's lifeless and cold body.

Wukong felt tears about to stream, before that sadness was replaced with anger. He growled and faced MK's friends. "I'll lock them up."


Meanwhile, Gin kept flying before making it to his and his brother's base. He landed, took off his jetpack and rushed inside, locking the doors. He then called out. "Yin! Red Boy! I'm back!"

"Sweet!" Yin cried as he ran over to his brother. "I was just filling him in on the plan we had."

Red Son looked at the large 'scheme book' that they owned. "How long have you had this plan?"

"We just made it right before saving you." Yin explained.

Red Son shook his head, thinking The Horned Demons were complete idiots before facing Gin and seeing Ironclad in his arms. He gasped and quickly took the general into his arms and placed him on a table, grabbing any tool and piece of metal he could find. "If I had an original Bull Clone, I could restore his arms and legs."

Yin smirked before going outside to the dumpster and pulling out a deactivated Bull Clone. "You have no idea how many Bull Clones end up outside." He laughed as he tossed the Bull Clone onto the table.

Red Son didn't focus on that and kept fixing him.

Gin then looked at the scheme book and sighed. "This ain't gonna be as easy as Operation Calabash."

"Yeah, but it's the only plan we got." Yin said. "Plus, it could even make a good book! Villains uniting as one."

Gin shrugged. "True. But let's hope they cooperate."

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