The Six Eared Macaque

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The group was teleported to the second to last location of the next member of the team. But this one scared them. Red Son had advised they shouldn't have gone to The White Bone Demon yet since she was insanely strong and powerful, so they needed someone just as strong.

Jei even said that while he was strong, he wasn't a spirit or a powerful shapeshifter. Despite his power, he was more smart than most.

Spider Queen looked around, interested. The place they were in was a bleak and shady mountain, similar to Flowerfruit Mountain, but not quite. It was very cloudy and looked like it was about to storm or rain. "So, this is where Macaque lives, eh? Thought a powerful demon would've gotten a better home."

Yin shrugged. "Your place wasn't as great either."

"At least I had a bedroom." She said simply as she grabbed her scepter, powering it up with a toxic green energy. It was likely Macaque wanted a fight if they found him. Spider Kid grabbed his staff while Ironclad grabbed a sword.

Yin grabbed a sword as well, while his brother grabbed a naginata. Jei powered himself up with the flames of Samahidi and Red Son grabbed his spear.

The wind suddenly began to increase and blow throughout the mountain. It blew through the hair of whoever had such a thing. Then, they heard a cackle. The demons pointed their weapons at where the laughter was coming from.

Then, an all too familiar humanoid monkey came out. He had six ears, three on each side of his head. His fur was completely black and scruffy, not looking fluffy or taken care of at all. He had a red shading over his purple eyes, similar to Wukong's peach shading, but it was more scary. He had a red cape, but it wasn't like Wukong's as it blew in the wind. And finally, they had a combo of what seemed like samurai and ninja gi.

"It's him." Gin breathed.

The Six Eared Macaque hopped down, their cape enveloping his body as he landed. He smirked with a cheeky and sadistic chuckle. He suddenly pulled out a dark staff, one with spikes on each end and then charged at them.

"HE WANTS BLOOD!!" Yin cried as he got in front of his group and blocked the attack with his sword, The Seven Stars Sword.

Macaque cackled before breaking their black and swinging his staff into Yin's face and then roundhouse kicking him into a mountain.

'YIN!!" Gin cried before growling and sending a burst of flames at Macaque.

Macaque suddenly crossed his arms and watched the flames charge at him. And when they touched him? He turned into smoke.

"Wait, it was a copy!" Spider Queen cried before hearing rapid footsteps and jumps and turning around to see an entire ARMY of Macaques. They all cackled and pulled out their staffs, all identical looking to the one the destroyed clone and actual Macaque had.

Jei growled and shot out fire at them, with Red Son following his former teacher after. Gin followed, using the Palm Leaf Naginata.

The fire shot out and destroyed some of the clones, but the others dodged and lunged at the group, the army filling the dark sky as it began to rumble, showing it was about to thunder. The wind grew stronger as the clone army landed and charged at the group. The fight began and there was nothing but purple smoke, explosions, and clashes of blades.

Spider Queen fired a toxic green blast at a clone before flipping her scepter around and stabbing a clone right in the chest, watching it turn to smoke. The Spider Kid then hopped in front of their mistress and swung their staff, sending a green energy burst at a small group of incoming clones. They all had grinning faces as they were destroyed and turned into smoke.

Gin and Yin went back to back as a circle of clones surrounded them, laughing and grinning as they got closer. Gin then pulled out something, and Yin noticed with a smirk. Yin then threw his sword at a Macaque's face while Gin shot fire at another clone. The two then grabbed an all too familiar gourd and aimed it at all of the clones. "MACAQUE!!" They shouted.

All of them looked at the brothers with a cackle and sometimes a grunt before suddenly getting sucked into Calabash and becoming destroyed in the process. But the grinning faces they had as they were sucked in would haunt anyone's nightmares.

Gin and Yin looked at each other and high fived.

Meanwhile, Jei kept shooting out balls or beams of nothing but fire at the clones. While Red Son was sending fireballs and stabbing them with his spear. Ironclad was doing the same, minus the fireballs since the Samahidi Upgrade Red Son gave him earlier was unavailable because of their last incident.

Clone after clone was destroyed until there was only one more. Red Son charged at them, roaring as he plunged his spear into their chest. But the Macaque didn't turn into smoke.

Macaque grinned and then punched Red Son in the face, sending him tumbling. He began to bleed, and he ripped the spear out, not feeling an ounce of pain. "Nice shot, kid! You got a LOT of work to do if you wanna catch me though." He spun the spear around before slamming it against his knee and snapping it in half. He then threw the halves aside.

"MACAQUE." Jei growled, flying into the air.

Macaque cackled to himself, crossing his arms. "The one and only. Lemme guess, someone royally messed up and now you need my help?" He asked as he leaned back, seeming chilled out and relaxed.

Suddenly, the wind and thunder stopped, but the clouds remained.

Every single demon (except Ironclad) pointed at Red Son, saying he was at fault for all of this. Red Son just had a small look of guilt, but it wasn't too noticeable.

Macaque's eyes glowed purple, showing he was using his own version of Wukong's Golden Gaze (AKA The Demon Eyes). He then zoomed over to Red Son, towering over the son of DBK.

Red Son stepped back, clearly scared. He didn't think anyone would be as horrifying as his father in The Netherworld, but he now knew there was someone else who was even more terrifying.

Macaque stared at him in silence for a whole minute before smirking. "I sense trauma. Fear." He grabbed his shirt collar and held him, grinning evilly as he suddenly pressed his finger on his forehead.

Red Son's eyes glowed purple and he began reliving everything he saw on that horrible day. EVERYTHING.

Macaque then let go of him after the whole experience was over and he grinned. "So, Yaoguai is finally doing it."

"Yaoguai?" Gin asked as Ironclad ran over to his shaking prince.

Macaque smirked as his cape began to fly in the wind. "The Neibu Emo. An inner demon. AND THE CURSE I CREATED FOR MY BIG BROTHER."

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