Red Rage

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Everyone gasped, their eyes wide. They were unable to believe what they were hearing. Macaque created Yaoguai, the red spirit that was possessing Wukong and making him do all these horrible things.

"YOU...YOU DID THIS?!" Red Son suddenly screamed.

Macaque smirked again. "Yes. Yes, I did. I created Yaoguai when I 'faked' my death back during his master's journey to the west, and the last time me and my big brother met? I lost the fight, but cursed him. Yaoguai would rise the next time an unbelievably scarring moment would happen in his life."

Red Son's body was engulfed in flames and he began to stomp forward. "YOU!!!"

Ironclad stepped over to his prince, but Red Son shook off his general's grip and lunged at Macaque. "YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!!"

Macaque dodged the incoming flaming punch. "Nah, Yaoguai did. But hey, she must've gotten in the way."

Red Son only screamed even louder as he entered his True Fire form and started shooting out fire.

Macaque's purple eyes widened for a moment before he jumped into the air and dodged, using many of his clones as meat shields to protect him from the fire. Red Son was filled with so much anger and hatred for the six eared demon, that he didn't stop trying to kill him.

"RED SON, THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Yin screamed.


Red Son ignored them, continuing to try and kill Macaque, but to no avail. Macaque eventually slammed his foot into his gut and then sucker punched him in the face, sending him tumbling.

Macaque crossed his arms. "First you need my help, and now you try to kill me. Not doing very good at convincing me."

Jei growled. "We do need your help, demon. But at this rate, we'd rather have you with only one arm and leg. And in CHAINS."

Macaque chuckled. "I can break my own arm and nothing would happen. Sun Wukong's not the only immortal primate anymore."

Red Son breathed heavily as he stood up again, but suddenly Gin and Yin got in front of Red Son and used one of their mystic weapons to tie him up, with Gin chanting something before Red Son was tied up.

"LET ME GO!!! I NEED TO KILL HIM!!!" Red Son roared.


"I DON'T CARE!!! HE'S THE REASON MY FATHER AND MOTHER ARE GONE!!!" Red Son roared again, trying to break out.

Gin growled before beginning to scream himself. "YOU AIN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO'S LOST A MOTHER!!!"

The demons went quiet, even Macaque. Jei and Spider Queen looked at each other before nodding and urging everyone out, including The Six Eared Macaque. Whether Red Son liked it or not, Macaque needed to be part of the team for a little while.

Yin sighed. "We lost our mom too..."

" did?" Red Son asked, slowly going back to normal.

"Yes. We were walking around with our mom's soldiers on patrol when we spotted one of Sanzang's disciples, Pigsy." Gin said with a sigh.

Yin nodded. "So, we kidnapped him. Then Sandy. Then Sanzang himself...We invited our mom to grant her immortality, but then...then.."

Gin gritted his teeth, clenching his fists. "Wukong came in. But, he was disguised as our mom, and it wasn't until one of the soldiers came running in, saying that our mother's body was found that we knew the truth."

"Oh, god..." Red Son breathed.

Yin began to cry. He was the younger brother and a grown demon by now, but it still hurt to think of that day. "I nearly killed Wukong that day if it wasn't for his stupid immortality...We KNOW what it's like to lose a family member. Why do you think me and him even want to get along?"

"We're all we got left," Gin said, his voice trembling as he wrapped his arm around Yin protectively. "Wukong killed our uncle too. Our father was a man from Australia, just a normal guy that our mother met and turned into a slave, and he died when Yin and I were very young. From then on, Mom was our entire world."

"And now? It's just us." Yin sighed, wiping his eyes, as if he were a child again. "Look Red Boy, I get your point. But killing a guy who can't ever die even after Wukong killed him isn't bringing Iron Fan back. But I want you to know...we know what you're going through."

"You ain't alone, kid." Gin said as he untied Red Son.

Red Son slowly stood. "I'm...I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Yin said.

Gin then crossed his arms. "Macaque's much more evil than any of us. But we're gonna need him to get White Bone Demon on our side and stop Yaoguai once and for all. So, you may have to deal with him for a day."

Red Son sighed. He was still furious at Macaque, but at least he was more calm. "Fine...Thank you."

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