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Yin looked at his brother, gripping his sword. "You just had to ask. CHARGE!!!" He cried out, lunging at the army along with his brother. Gin shot out flames, Yin continued to slice. The clones were easy to destroy and killable, but the monkey mutants were harder and the only goal of Gin and Yin was to knock them out.

That didn't seem to be the goal of the others though. Spider Queen blasted one monkey general's arm off before stabbing them and then having her Spider Kid finish them off with a swing of his staff. She cackled before spitting out a web on a pack of Yaoguai clones, and then blasting them into oblivion. Spider Kid cackled before spinning his staff around and sending out a purple and green energy burst towards another pack of clones, destroying them.

Red Son and Ironclad went back to back and started to slice and dice, with Red Son shooting out flames at the clones and monkeys. But his main goal was Yaoguai. He once tried to stomp forward towards the evil demon spirit, but the clones and generals kept protecting their master, leaving more for him and his robotic bull general to fight. Ironclad took out his sword and then suddenly hopped into the air, and with one swing, chopped off the heads of a pack of clones, causing them to disappear in a puff of red smoke. He then landed. "My Prince! Are you ok?!"

Red Son nodded as he let out a giant beam of fire towards a general, blasting them into a building.

"Then find your father!!! We'll handle Yaoguai!!" Ironclad cried out as he rammed into battle like an actual bull.

Red Son nodded and then squinted his eyes towards Yaoguai's throne room and ran towards it. His father and MK's friends had to be near. He wasn't too sure about MK's friends, but even if then, they might decide to help.

Meanwhile, the battle continued. Jei suddenly hopped in front of Gin and Yin and started to burn every single clone until there was finally no more, only the mutant monkeys. "GIN! YIN! BEHIND ME!" The Samahidi Demon commanded.

Gin and Yin hugged each other, hiding behind Jei.

Jei then roared as he shot out a giant beam of blue fire, most definitely burning the monkey mutants. A few burned to death, but most ran away, terrified of the fire.

Yaoguai just smiled, amused. "The True Fire of Samahidi." He floated downwards and started to walk towards Jei. "Give it your best shot."

Jei growled and then with all his might, shot out the biggest twister of fire his powers could give him and launched it at Yaoguai. The fight completely stopped and every demon looked at the giant twister of fire being launched at Yaoguai.

But then, a black and furry fist grabbed Jei's wrists and BROKE THEM. Jei screamed in pain before Yaoguai emerged, completely unharmed or burned, and kicked him in the gut, sending him flying.

Gin and Yin gasped before shooting out gold and silver beams from their weapons, but they barely harmed Yaoguai. He cackled to himself and started to just walk through them.

"BLOODY HELL- AHHHH!!!!" Gin was grabbed by the neck and smashed into the road. Yin followed soon after, being smashed in the gut by The Golden Staff and then sent into the air, where he was later slammed into a burnt and scrapped tank.

Spider Queen stepped back, but Spider Kid charged at Yaoguai. Yaoguai smirked and dodged every swing of the Spider Kid's staff, as if it was Sun Wukong training MK all over again. But then, Yaoguai grabbed Spider Kid's staff and crushed it with a single grip of his hand. Spider Kid gasped.

"IF I WERE WUKONG...I'D GIVE MERCY...BUT HERE'S THE THING." He used The Golden Staff and STABBED it through Spider Kid's chest, causing him to gasp in pain before disappearing since deep down, he was an MK clone. "I'M NOT WUKONG."

Spider Queen screamed and shot out a web and a toxic green blast, with Ironclad charging at Yaoguai right after.

Yaoguai blasted the webs with his eye beams and then deflected the toxic green blast back at Spider Queen, sending her into a car. He then stood still while Ironclad charged at him before taking a stance and grabbing the robotic bull general by his horns and swinging him around and then tossing him through two cars.

Then, there was only one demon left. One who had barely fought or helped yet. Macaque.


"You've learned so much, kid." Macaque took out his staff. "How about we catch up? Maybe brunch or some crap. You like brunch, right?"

Yaoguai didn't answer, but instead stomped the ground, causing it to crack before he suddenly shapeshifted into a giant and six armed red monster. One with THREE glowing red eyes. The giant monster then roared.

Macaque laughed maniacally before turning to see Red Son in Yaoguai's throne room. He growled a bit and summoned a clone. "Deal with him. I don't want him to ruin this for me."

The Macaque clone cackled and then ran into the throne room as Macaque shapeshifted into the Smoke Monster and then lunged at his creation.

Meanwhile, Red Son scrambled around for anyone. "FATHER?! FATHER!!!" He called out, but couldn't find anyone, but then heard an all too familiar voice.


"YOU!!!" Mei screamed as she walked out of the shadows, without her sword in hand and in chains. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MK!!!"

"D-Dragon Horse Girl! I-I-"

"IT'S MEI, YOU BASTARD!!! YOU KILLED MK!!! MY BEST FRIEND!!! NOW THE WORLD'S BEING DESTROYED!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Red Son could see the others as Mei screamed at him. Pigsy and Sandy were unconscious, while Tang just looked sorrowful and stripped off all hope. A strike of guilt attacked Red Son and the prince fell to his knees.

Mei was confused for a moment, but still wanted to rip Red Son apart before seeing a dark clone appear behind Red Son. But she stayed silent.

Red Son looked up and then gasped as the clone laughed and lifted his staff and-

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