Heavenly Rescue

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The clone was then grabbed and crushed into oblivion...by DBK?! His chains were snapped somehow, by the obvious cuts on his arms.

"F-Father?! You're okay!! I-"

"RED SON!" DBK cried and suddenly...hugged his son, almost breaking down into tears. Demon Bull King was once a powerful and ruthless warlord, and now that he was broken? He couldn't do anything except finally be a tender father.

Red Son was shocked by the gesture before he sniffled and hugged back.

But the tender and sweet moment between father and son was interrupted by Yaoguai and Macaque fighting to the death. Red Son growled. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted him! He just wants to fight him!"

"Wait...YOU TRUSTED MACAQUE?!" DBK growled.

"Father, it's a long story, but at least Yaoguai is being held off." Red Son said. "How are we going to-"

"OH, SO YOU'RE A GOOD GUY NOW?!" Mei growled. She had so much anger and hate fueling her body, that she couldn't see an inch of reason or forgiveness.

Red Son didn't face Mei. Now was the last time to break down into tears. He just looked up at the battle between the two all powerful primates. This battle would not end with a victor or a loser, it would go on forever and destroy the world slowly inch by inch. "The only thing that can stop Yaoguai is Wukong. But the only person who could calm Wukong down was Sanzang or...or..."

"Monkie Kid." DBK finished.

"...And you killed him..." Mei said as she fell to her knees, finally giving up. "...MK..." She whispered, as if her best friend was nearby when he was dead.

Red Son clenched his fist and then smashed the broken and demolished wall nearby. "How are we going to fix this?!"

But then, a golden glow suddenly appeared behind the demons and the heroes. They turned around before gasping. But then Red Son disappeared and he hissed as he closed his eyes. Then? He awoke no longer in the city, but...some kind of palace? He looked down and then saw he was on clouds.

"EH?!" Red Son cried as he jumped, but landed on the clouds. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! WHERE AM-"

"Red Son." An all too familiar voice said suddenly.

Red Son almost shivered at the voice before turning around and seeing Guanyin. A goddess of mercy and compassion. And the lady that trapped him, took away his powers, and made him a servant for a little while after he tried to kill Sanzang and his uncle.

"O-Okay, I don't want to-"

"I know you don't want to fight." She said simply. "I'm here to help."

"I...You are?"

Guanyin nodded. "You're in The Celestial Realm. MK is here too thanks to what you did."

Red Son felt a strike of regret again as he began to follow Guanyin through the palace. "But why am I here? Being here is not going to stop Yaoguai."

"Unless you're the only one who knows where a person who can stop him is." Guanyin said. "MK wasn't meant to die, you know. He had a much longer life ahead of him."

"So...You're bringing him back to life?"

"We normally don't do this, but yes. Even The Jade Emperor has realized that MK leaving the Mortal Realm in vain will only cause chaos." She told him before stopping, Red Son bumping into her and falling on his back.

"Ow." Red Son groaned before he heard the snap of fingers and saw another gold light appear. He covered his eyes for a moment before opening them again and then his eyes widened.

MK was standing right in front of him, looking at Red Son. But there was no anger. No hate. Only confusion.

"Uhhh...Hi, Red Son." MK said awkwardly.

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