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It was a normal, motivation less day for Tuuro. He sat up in his bed and looked around, like he always did.

"Man, I don't want to go to school." he mumbled, while he tried his hardest to rub the sleep from his bloodshot eyes.

He stood up from bed and walked into the bathroom and got ready. He walked towards his door, his shoulders hanging low.

The student took a last look into his room and his gaze fell onto his old All Might poster. On the bottom line it said 'Plus Ultra', the battle cry and mantra of the Symbol of Peace.

He smiled at the memory of him getting the poster. He was just 6 years old and his mom had brought him along to the mall.

It was his first time at the mall, so the young Tuuro was overflowing with excitement. The new Kyashi Shopping Mall had just reopened.

It was two years since All Might became the official Symbol of Peace and the crime rate had rapidly dropped, so the government used the money, they had saved up because of the little construction repair costs, to renovate the old mall.

Since All Might had become the Symbol of Peace and almost all real villains had been captured, the government had called out the first era of peace, and All Might had volunteered to do a meet-and-greet with locals at the mall.

"Look mama, it's All Might." said a young Tuuro, as he held his mothers hand and tried to lead her towards the hero.

"I see him, Tuuro." said the mother, as she slowly walked over to the symbol, while holding her sons hand tightly.

"All Might, All Might!" shouted Tuuro as he ripped his hand from his mother's grasp and sprinted over to All Might.

"Hello little one!" said All Might, looking down with his hulking figure.

"All Might, I'm a huge fan of you." said the young boy.

"I'm sorry, Mr. All Might. My son can be quite energetic sometimes." bowed Tuuros mother.

"It's no problem ma'am. I'm always glad to meet a fan." replied All Might, as he kneelt down to the boys level, which didn't really work, because of his sheer size. "Listen young man, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"I want to be just like you, All Might." replied Tuuro to his idol, stars sparkling in his eyes.

"That's good to hear." All Might carefully placed a hand on young Tuuros shoulder. "But don't try to be me, be the best you, you can be."

All Might reached behind him and grabbed one of the posters. He then held it in front of him, for the child to grab.

"Here. This one's on me." the giant hero smiled his signature smile as he handed the present over to the boy.

"Thank you, All Might." beamed the child. The mother bowed down as well, as a sign of respect.

"You should get going, my boy. I have a lot of other fans to meet. And remember to go beyond, Plus Ultra!" smiled All Might.

Tuuros eyes widened in admiration at seeing the number 1 hero do his battle cry for him.

"Thank you, All Might." bowed the mother and son duo again, before Tuuros mother dragged the boy away from the hero.

"You know, All Might, you shouldn't be giving out your merchandise for free." said a man, who Tuuro later figured to be All Mights manager, towards the hero.

"I don't care for money. I just want them to be safe and show a bright smile." said the booming hero, as he looked over the heads of civilians.

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