one ✿ that girl

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"Jack? Did you get the last can of beer?" I called from the fridge as I closed the door. I walked towards the living room and leaned on the door frame. Rian, Jack, and Zack were playing Mario Kart. Normally I wouldn't watch, but they were all drunk as fuck and it was hilarious.

"Uh...maybe," he mumbled to me. Then he raised his voice and said, "Fuckin' shell! Who threw the bloody shell?"

"Oh shud'up," Rian mumbled. I wasn't sure whether he was talking to me or Jack. I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight from one leg to the both. I walked into the room and sat next to Zack. No one noticed I'd moved because of the video game.

"Guys, I told you to save me at least one can. C'mon why can't you do that," I asked. I leaned forward and rested my elbows on my knees. I rubbed my face with both hands, and then looked at them each individually.


I got up and went to get my coat. I slipped my coat on, grabbed my wallet, and started to walk to Target. Gas prices were too high for us to be using the car all the time. Target happened to be only a couple blocks away, so I went on a walk.

You're doing it for the beer, I thought as the cold surrounded me. I shoved my hands into my coat pockets and pushed through. 

After falling on three patches of ice, and almost two more, I finally made it to Target. I sighed as the warm air of the store hit me. I went straight to the aisles of food. I didn't even need to think about it anymore. I knew exactly where to go. I grabbed two cases, and started to the checkout.

I ended up choosing the checkout with three people already in line. I got behind a girl with abnormally red hair, which seemed to match the cart she had in front of her. She turned around slightly and looked at me.

"Oh, would you like to go ahead of me? You have way less than me and I'm in no hurry," She offered with a smile. There was a little gap between her two front teeth.

"Are you sure? Ya know, ladies first and all," I insisted. But trust me, I really wanted to get out of there. The sooner I got home, the sooner I could get drunk. But the girl in front of me offering to trade me spots was actually really cute.

"Yeah, yeah, go ahead," she said as she pulled her cart back. She moved off to the side and let me in front of her. There were still two people in front of me, but that gave me time to talk to the cute redhead.

"I'm Alex, by the way," I said. I would've shaken her hand if I wasn't carrying two cases of beer.

"Hayley," she smiled. She absentmindedly pushed her cart forward and pulled it back towards her. I couldn't take my eyes off her. "I've got an idea," she said as she leaned on her cart.

"Yeah," I asked. I had one eyebrow raised, and my arms were killing me.

"I don't want this come off the wrong way, but you're cute and I need a date," Hayley said, trailing off. Now just one person in front of me.

"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing," I said as I put the cases up on the belt. She laughed and moved the cart forward. She came around by me, and I turned to face her again.

"I'm crazy, aren't I? You can't just ask someone you see at Target on a date," She rambled. I still couldn't keep my eyes off her. She thought I was cute, and she was trying to get me to go out on a date with her.

"You're not crazy," I said quickly. The person in front of me was almost done checking out. "I'd love to go on a date with you."

Hayley let herself relax, and put a smile on her face. I wanted to keep talking to her, but it was my turn to check out. I showed my ID, and paid, and then waited for Hayley. I sat on a bench by the outside doors, and waited for her to pass by. She did have a cart full of stuff, so I expected a long wait.

"Oh, hey! Was it...Tyler? No, no, I'm sorry," She said with the cheesiest smile on her face.

"Oh, yeah! And you're Callie? I don't know," I played along. We both laughed, and I offered to walk her out to her car. I would've offered to push her cart for her, but I thought that might sound suspicious. She seemed pretty bad ass though, and could kick my ass if I tried to take off.

When we came to her car, she popped the back, and I helped her load the bags in. 

"You need a ride," she asked as she closed the back. I picked up my two cases of beer, and thought about it for a minute. I could go with her and risk being kidnapped, or I could walk home in the cold.

"Yeah, sure. That'd be great," I said with a big smile. She went to her side of the car, and I went to the other side. I put the cases of beer in the back seat, and then got in next to Hayley.

"So, where do you live," she asked as she started her car. She backed out and started to the exit of the parking lot.

"Uh, take a left up here," I instructed. She nodded, and took a left when the light turned green. "And then keep going for about three blocks."

She started laughing, but kept the car steady. I smiled and laughed a little too. "What," I asked.

"It's nothing," She said, holding back her smile. She was biting her lip, and I could still see her smile. 

"Oh, can I have your number," She asked as we pulled into the driveway. "I'll need to text you about the date."

I took my phone out of my pocket, and handed it to her. I opened the door, and got the beer out. I set it on the driveway, and waited for her to finish with my phone.

"Okay, I'll see you later," she said as she handed my phone back. We smiled at each other, and I put my phone back in my pocket.

"Bye, Hayley," I said, and then closed the door. I picked up the cases and walked up to the front door. I looked back and saw Hayley on her phone. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I smiled. She put her phone down, waved, and then left.

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