"Maybe I like you a lot."

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"Hey." Ivy said awkwardly as she stood before Ronnie who looked down at her.

"You're back." Ronnie spoke to her, clear hurt and annoyance in her voice, "For how long this time?"

"I'm not sure-" Ivy began as the pink haired girl scoffed, "Why can't you just see i'm trying to keep you away from me to protect you from what could happen? My family isn't all sunshine and rainbows, Ronnie."

"I never said they were Ivy, but who's protecting you? Your siblings? Cool, good for them. But that doesn't make me feel even the smallest bit of better know you could be out there doing your things and getting hurt, how would I know if you just somehow die or end up in a different time zone again?" Ronnie ranted, she'd kept that in ever sense Ivy made her go away after the party.

"I wouldn't leave you here." Ivy shook her head as she looked up at her, "I'd never leave you here."

"You don't mean that, I know you, I know you'd pick them." Ronnie spoke as Ivy rolled her eyes.

"I'm not picking anyone! I'm keeping you and my family separate until we figure things out, it's dangerous with us!" Ivy went back at her, her hair becoming a darker shade of blonde as she got sadder and angrier.

"I don't care!" Ronnie yelled back at her now, thankful no one was downstairs with them.

"You should care! If you got hurt i'd never be able to forgive myself!" Ivy went back at her with just as much force.

"If you got hurt i'd lose my mind! You keep telling me to understand but why can't you?" Ronnie shot back as Ivy took a deep breath, realizing the plants on the wall were moving and taking note that Ronnie had a point.

"I know you're scared something will happen to me, I can understand that. But right now the last thing I want is for us to argue so can we please not? I know where you're coming from, but I can't involve you if I know you have even the smallest bit of chance of getting hurt." Ivy spoke softly to her as she grabbed her forearms and pulled Ronnie closer to her.

"I just want us to be honest with each other, secrets have ruined me before, I don't want us ruined." Ronnie spoke quietly as Ivy leaned on her, her head in the crook of her neck due to how tall Ronnie truly was.

"Nothing could ruin us, are you crazy?" Ivy asked as she ticked Ronnies neck slightly making the pink haired girl laugh with a jump, "Besides, I came here to tell you something. But I don't wanna look at you so can we both turn around."

"This is stupid, Ivy, you're always open about everything, why so shy now?" Ronnie asked as the two stood back to back.

"When I was younger my dad was really set on things going the way it always had, he hated change." Ivy said as she took a breath, her face a bright red as she looked at her feet, "He'd always talk about how men should love women, I know it was wrong of him to say but that didn't stop the horrible and taunting though in my head that accrued every time I looked at you."

"Ivy-" Ronnie began but she was cut off.

"So what i'm saying is i've come to accept that I really do like girls and my dad was a piece of shit for telling me otherwise. But I can't just jump right into something after years of him treating me that way... you can understand, can't you?" Ivy asked as she stayed looking the other way, knowing there was no way she could do this if her and Ronnie where face to face.

"I can." Ronnie confirmed as Ivy took another shaky breath.

"All i'm saying is maybe I like you a lot, and maybe we could be something whenever I get there." Ivy went on, thankful she got it off her chest. Panic was what came next, pure panic when Ronnie didn't say anything. Ivy considered turning around but she could tell they were still back to back in pure silents. She went to speak again and deny everything until she felt it...

Ronnies pinkie grabbing hers.

kylie speaks.

this way so
short but i
felt as if it was
only best to
give my favorite
girlfriends their
own separate

this way soshort but i felt as if it wasonly best to give my favorite girlfriends theirown separatechapter!!!

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