"Goodbye does not always mean forever."

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"I'm not leaving her!" Ivy yelled at her twin

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"I'm not leaving her!" Ivy yelled at her twin. Five had showed up to her protection building and telling her how they had the chance to go back home, to save the world and get out of the century they were in now.

"Ivy, we don't believe here, you said it yourself. It will only effect us over time, it'll effect her." Ivy knew he was right but she was hurting, Ronnie, her Ronnie... she couldn't just not see her Ronnie ever again.

"How am I supposed to just leave her? How am I supposed to leave the woman who has made me feel most myself i've ever felt? Made me feel alive for the first time? Tell me, please!" Ivy begged Five, she was crying now, running a hand through her hair that was turning a deep black color... resembling sadness.

"I can't tell you how." Five said, he had a sad look in his eye as he grabbed his sister hand, "But I can be here... if you need me to."

Ivy let out a sob as she looked down, Five grabbing her other hand as she shook her head violently, "No- no, I need to do this alone."

"You have a hour, meet me in the alley two blocks away." he said sadly, one last squeeze before letting her hands go, "She's a great girl, Ivy, I can only wish you would have met her in a different life time."

"Oh, there you are. I've been looking for you. So in the first room should we-" Ronnie began to ask as she held different paint samples in her hand, looking over as Ivy walked in.

The pink haired girl barley got a chance to take in Ivys black hair, her eyes a puffy red before the Hargreeves girl grabbed the sides of her face to pull her into a kiss.. their second kiss that was not on accident and was much longer and passionate than the first.

Ronnies lips were as soft as they looked, the cherry lip gloss rubbing against Ivys slightly chapped ones that were coated in a chapstick that gave a red tint.

"What was that one for?" Ronnie asked as she leaned her head on Ivys, reaching her hand up to whip her tear away, "Why so sad?"

"Ronnie..." Ivy trailed off, her voice was weak, "I have to leave."

"Okay, i'll just get Noah's help with the paints." Ronnie said with a shrug, "You don't have to be sad, I won't paint without y-"

"No!" Ivy said as she grabbed her hands forcefully but gentle all at once while staring into her eyes, "I have to leave... forever."

Ronnies face fell, the paint samples in her hand dropping to the floor as the light in her eye disappeared, "W-what."

"My brother.., we have to go. We-it'll start effecting things if we stay, we don't belong.., and the world- we have to save it, I'm- I don't know." Ivy could barley get her words out as she cried, running a hand through her hair as she sucked in a breath, "I- I can't-"

"You can't leave me!" Ronnie got emotional as she grabbed Ivy tightly on the shoulders, "You can't leave! Ivy! We just started our love story, I just got you, I can't just let you go."

"It's not my choice!" Ivy didn't mean to shout at her but she was emotional, watching Ronnies tears drop as well, "I- I have so much to say.. I have no time, no time left for us- for our story thats just began."

"I could come with you." Ronnie offered with a small sob, shaking her head, "I could- I could come with you and we could be happy and love each other without it being illegal."

"I tried that." Ivy said as she sniffled, staring at her, "You belong here, I belong there, it'll just mess things up more and we'll just have to do everything all over again."

"How much- how long?" Ronnie asked as she sniffled as well, still gripping Ivys arms.

"One hour." Ivy spoke as Ronnie looked away with a cry, one that Ivy had as well, "Ronnie, I-"

"No!" Ronnie yelled at her, grabbing her arms tightly as she shook her head, "Don't you dare tell me goodbye, Ivy, I can't say it back.. I won't do it- I won't!"

"Goodbye does not always mean forever." Ivy took a breath of air, trying not to cry and ruin the speech again, "The universe sucks, we know that more then anyone. But you have been apart of me for decades, Veronica Stanley. I have longed for you, waited for you to show up and make me feel as though I do now, loved, alive, and myself. Maybe we don't get forever together, maybe we only got a few years together and only a few hours as lovers... but that will last me a life time, for light years even because I will never feel as I feel for you... you understand me?"

"My life-" Ronnie began as she stopped, she cried as Ivy whipped her tears but let her own fall as well, "My life would have been absolutely hell without you here, without you filling the void I have waited around for someone to fill. You've changed my outlook on love, my outlook on everything even. And you're so god damn confusing and messy and make my mind race in the best way possible.... and I could never let anyone in the way I let you, I could never feel as I do for you... you know that?"

"I know." Ivy said as she pulled her into a long, passionate, and love filled kiss for one last time.

"You came." Five said, stopping his rant as he paced... they had eight minutes left.

"You really think I wouldn't?" Ivy asked as she whipped under her eyes. She looked like hell. Raven black hair did not suit her one bit and her skin had paled, red eyes with smudged makeup, "What is this?"

"Ivy, my head." Klaus moaned from where he laid on the ground, a large puke right next to him, "Oh no... my sad Ivy."

Ivy fell on the ground next to him, as far away as the puke as she could as he wrapped her in a hug while Ivy began to cry longer, "I wanna get this over with."

"We've got a minute left!" Luther said angrily as he hit the top of the dumpster.

" It was a simple task. It was a simple task! All we had to do was be here. Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no! An army of mutants? Nein." Five yelled, mainly to himself as he paced in the alleyway.

"I can't believe this."

"It was handed to us on a silver platter."

"Could you just moan a little softer? My head is killing me."

"Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew are chance to save the world!"

"Shut up, Five! Just leave us alone!" Ivy yelled at him as she held her knees to her chest on the floor of the allyway.

"Ivy, you have to understand-" her twin began before he was cut off.

"God damn it." Five groaned as the briefcase began to make a static noise, grabbing it and throwing it into the sky, turning a bright blue before disappearing.

"We were that close... that close."

kylie speaks..

that's hurt
so bad.

that's hurtso bad

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