I could still clearly remember how we met.
You were sitting at the corner of the room-with your handkerchief wrapped around all over your face.
You didn't speak much-rather you weren't allowed to.
I didn't notice much about you then.
All I knew was that you were someone unreachable-a person who was out of my league.You were smart, athletic, and a natural-born pro game player.
Although you had some quirks such as being a bit too naive
Yet it was nice being around you.
I felt so unexpectedly comfortable.
You were calming like the serene sea at night.Then one day, I started to notice the little things about you.
How you look so desirable when you flutter your eyes.
How you look so bright when you smile.
How your laugh sounds like the perfect harmony on a Saturday morning.
And how you looked at me with those big, brown eyes.It suddenly hit me.
I was falling in love.
With your eyes, your smile, your weird laugh.
With you—I was falling in love with you.The seas were no longer calm—rather it was the harsh waves that make my nerves giddy and my palms sweaty.
I tried covering it up with countless jokes but it actually backfired.
I was falling deeper into the chasm of your heart and got tangled with the ropes in your game.You loved her all along while I loved you.
You broke my heart a thousand times.
You broke me into a thousand million pieces.
Yet I can't blame you because I was the fool who fell in love.
And you were the man who I foolishly loved.I gave you the power to break my heart when I shouldn't have.
And like all the other boys before-you left me to bleed.
The blood became the ink in my pen and you became my words.
You became a part of my poetry but to you, all I'll ever be is the friend who loved you.I still remember the first time we met.
You were a guy who only sees me as nothing more than a friend
And I was the girl who fell in the trap of your game.
We became close the day you said "hello".
Yet we grew apart the day I said "goodbye".

Memoirs of the Night
PoetryThis a collection of poems depicting different kinds of heartbreaks, grief, and sorrows in different circumstances.