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*beep beep beep beep* "Ughhhhhhhh

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*beep beep beep beep*
"Ughhhhhhhh." you groaned as you turned off your alarm. "Monday, seven am" you said to yourself. You stayed in bed and went through your phone as you saw a message from your favorite person.

tōru <3

goodmorning princess :)

You stared at the message without even realizing how much you were smiling. You hated school so much but he made it bearable.

tōru <3

goodmorning princess :)

goodmorning baby :3

After texting him back you checked your instagram, snapchat, twitter, and tiktok notifications. Once you finished checking all your socials you decided to get up and get ready for the day, you started doing your daily morning routine, put on your uniform, grabbed your bag and a piece of bread and headed out to Aoba Johsai.

You were walking to school with your airpods in when you hear a loud ding within your ears, you already knew who it was so you pulled out your phone and read,

tōru <3

goodmorning princess :)

goodmorning baby :3

where are you ?? :((
i wanna see you already :((

You could never fully wrap your head around the fact that you were dating this kid, he made you feel so special and loved even with the smallest words and gestures.

tōru <3

goodmorning princess :)

goodmorning baby :3

where are you ?? :((
i wanna see you already :((

ill be there in a minute, dont worry :))

When you read that message you started running the rest of the way to school, it wasn't very far from you anyways and you wanted to see oikawa as soon as possible as so he did you. You got to school and decided you would go to your locker to grab your books first before seeing oikawa. You got to your locker and when you opened it you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"Ohh jesus !" you said out of surprise and a little bit of fear.

*giggle* "It's okay Y/N, it's just me." said oikawa.

*sigh of relief* "Don't scare me like that that tōruuuu." you said while turning around and lightly punching him on the arm.

"Heyyy !!! What was that forrrr??? :(" oikawa asked.

"For scaRing me dummy. hehe" you answered.

"Whatever." oikawa responded. He proceeded to pick you up and spin you around, you were giggling and then he leaned in for a kiss, you kissed him back and then you broke the kiss while smiling at him. The bell then rang and you walked to first period with oikawa.

hi!!! thank you so much for reading the first part of my story! so to be completely honest this is my first time writing and im fairly new to this so please bare with me! i wanna say this is like a 'demo' story but im going to leave it as is right now and maybe edit it in the future, i know this is a fairly short chapter but i want to see how it goes so please dont be mad! also i know this isn't what the title and description says at allll bUT, the next chapter is where everything begins i swear, i just wanted to do a little bit of pre-event to take place so that way youre not completely shattered in the first minute HAHA- i wanna take my time writing this and there will be medium to long chapters after this i swear! i think this is gonna be the only short chapter as a little introduction:) other than that i want to let you know that i tend to always be busy with school and volleyball so i probably wont update and write as frequently as i would like to but i promise i will put everything i have into every chapter, except for maybe this one. AHAHAHA, anyways i hope you have a good rest of your day or night and don't forget you are loved and im very proud of you! oH, and one last thing- LMAOOO SORRY- i want to do a get to know the author kind of thing in the future so let me know if you dont think one is necessary/wouldnt like one or if you would and are interested ! :)) okay thats all, bye!

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