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Addison's POV:

I woke up at 9am and started getting ready for the day.

I wore this:

I made some breakfast for me and Mads

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I made some breakfast for me and Mads. Mads finally came out of her room.

Addison: Gooddd morning. Someone definitely hates waking up early morning *i laughed*

Mads: Good morning. Ugh i hate waking up early

Addison: So when are we going to the Sway House?

Mads: Lets have breakfast. Then Ill get ready and we can go

Addison: K

Me and Mads finished eating breakfast and Mads went to get ready. I made Tiktoks while she was getting ready as I wasnt that active yesterday. Mads was ready and we got into her car. I posted my TikToks on the way. We finally got to the Sway house.

Mads: You excited?

I smiled and nod.

We knocked on the door and Jaden opened it. Mads and Jaden hugged and Mads introduced me to him. Jaden led us to the living room where all the boys were. I saw Dixie over there and she came up to me and hugged me.

Addison: I didnt know you where going to be here!

Dixie: Yeah me too

Dixie and Mads then introduced me to everybody.

Mads: This is Anthony, Josh, Quinton, Blake, Avani Anthony's gf, Amelie Blake's gf and Nessa Josh's gf

Dixie: And last but not the least, this is Noah, my boyfriend

I said hi to everyone and me and Mads sat down on the sofa.

Mads: Wait where's Bryce?

Josh: Buddy's in his room, sleeping probably

We all talked and laughed and I became friends with all of them. Me and Avani also got really close. She is so sweet and talented. I saw her makeup and they were amazing. Just then I had to go to the bathroom

Addison: Um guys can I use the washroom?

Josh: Sure Addison. Just go downstairs and take a left. You'll find a bathroom there

Addison: Ok, thx

I got up and went downstairs. I took a left but there were two rooms there so I just went into one. I got inside and tripped into someone's clothes. A guy came and catched me before I fell. He pulled me into his muscular body and held me tightly. His touch sent shivers down my spine. We both were looking into eachother's eyes. He had beautiful brown eyes and soft curly hair.

Addison: Uhm

?: Oh sorry

He let me out of his embrace

Addison: Hey Im Addison. Mads' new roommate

?: Oh ya. Mads told me about you. Btw Im Bryce

Addison: Nice to meet you and Im really sorry I came into your room like this. I actually needed to use the bathroom.

Bryce: No problem. The bathroom is that way

Addison: Thank you

Bryce's POV

Omg Addison is so damn cute and hot and- Bryce stop you have a girlfriend...

Addison POV

I came out of the bathroom and Bryce was still there. Me and Bryce talked for a while and went upstairs to the living room.

Bryce: Hey guys

Jaden: Good morning sleeping beauty

Bryce: Ugh stop *everyone laughed*

We all just talked and they were so nice to me. I exchanged numbers with everyone including Bryce.

It was lunchtime now.

Bryce: Aight guys i have to go now. Im meeting Sydney at Saddle Ranch

Addison: Who's Sydney

Mads: Bryce's girlfried

Addison: oh...

Everyone: Bye bryce

I dont know why but I was kinda jealous when Mads told me Bryce had a girlfriend. I mean i also have a boyfriend...but Tony has changed a lot. He never has time me anymore

After a few hours, Mads and I decided to head home. We watched some movies and ate pizza. We went to sleep at 12 and I saw Bryce followed me on IG and TikTok. I did the same amd drifted off to sleep thinking about him

A/n- Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know it was a bit boring but the next chapters will be much better!

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now