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Addison's POV

I woke up at around 9am. I was really sad that we were going back home tomorrow. But atleast I had this wonderful time with my friends and Bryce.

We decided we are going to go eat breakfast and then straight to the beach. I went to my bathroom and started getting ready. Bryce was still sleeping

I decided to wear this bikini:

I put on the bottoms but I couldnt tie the back of the top

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I put on the bottoms but I couldnt tie the back of the top. I was struggling a lot when I felt Bryce come behind me

He turned me around and lightly placed his hands on my back. He sensually placed kisses on my bare back while tying the knot, sending shivers down my spine. He moved my hair and started kissing my neck. I moaned quietly and saw him smirking through the mirror. I turned around and smashed my lips against his. He kissed me back, sliding his tongue in my mouth. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He picked me up and put me on the bathroom counter. He started tugging on the the strings of my bottom while kissing my neck

Addison: Bryce *i laughed* not now

Bryce: Why not *he said trying to do a pouty face

Addison: Your so cute *i said getting off from the counter

Bryce: Hey I thought we were doing..stuff

Addison: And I said not now

Bryce: But why

Addison: Because we are going to the beach now and I want to be able to walk over there *i said smirking

Bryce: What do you mean- ohh

He laughed and came closer to me and leaned his forehead against mine

Bryce: Ok walk all you want today cuz you wont be able to tomorrow *he said and winked

Addison: Ok now lets gooo

I quickly put on shorts, a denim jacket and some waterproof mascara and we walked out the door to eat breakfast

Nick: Good morning love birds

Addison: Good morning Nick *I said smiling and we sat down

Charli: Why are you guys so late *she said smirking

Addison: Um..we woke up late

Charli: Okayy

We finished breakfast and went to the beach. We all were in the water taking pictures and just having fun

Mads: Chicken fight!! *Mads screamed

Addison: Ya lets do it

I pulled Bryce and Mads pulled Jaden and we got on top of their shoulders. Bryce held me tightly

Mads: 3..2..1 go!

We started pushing each other. Mads lost her balance first but she didnt fall. I got tired after a while and fell down.

We went to see sharks today. Me and Bryce also rode a jetski. I was so happy with him

The sunset and we decided to make a bonfire. Me, Bryce, Anthony and Avani collected wood and the others prepared everything.

It was finally done and we sat down around the bonfire. All the couples were sitting beside each other, cuddling. Bryce put his arm around me and I rested my head on his chest.

Ryland: I have never felt so single in my entire life

And we all started laughing. We talked for a while and decided to play truth or dare

Charly: Ok Ill go first. Avani truth or dare?

Avani: Truth

Everyone: Boring *everyone said jokingly and avani just rolled her eyes

Charly: Ok have you had a crush on anyone from here before you met anthony

Avani: Umm I did like Nick a bit when I saw him for the first time but it was never a crush. Ok next!

Noah: Josh truth or dare?

Josh: Dare

Noah: Ok kiss Nessa

Josh: My pleasure

Josh started kissing Nessa and it soon became a makeout session

Jaden: Uhm guys *he said clearing his throat

Josh: We are just going to go to our room

Josh said getting up with Nessa and we all started laughing

Jaden: Anyways..Addison truth or dare

Addison: Truth

Jaden: Did you and Bryce have s*x yet

My eyes widened and I started blushing

Mads: Well we got our answer *Mads said laughing

Jaden: Well its Bryce. What do you expect

Bryce: Aye I have changed

He said looking at me and I nodded

We played a little longer and said goodnight to everyone and returned to out rooms

A/n- Thank you guys so much for more than 400 reads😭😭😭

Oh and are you guys excited for Larray's diss track cuz I cant wait! Addi and Bryce both are going to be in it hopefully

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