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Bryce's POV

I cant believe I just had sex with the most beautiful girl ever. It was amazing!

I got up to go to the bathroom to throw the condom. I got back and saw Addison laying there, breathing heavily. I laid beside her. She saw me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her

Addison: Thank you *she whispered while smiling widely

I looked at her and kissed her lips.

Bryce: Um Addi do you wanna go to the sway house cuz we cant spend the night here

Addison's POV

I felt so weirdly happy when Bryce called me Addi

Addison: Yea sure lets go but first we need to clean up here

Bryce: Ya we probably should *we laughed

After we cleaned the room we went downstairs. The party was still going on, thank god. We sneaked out of the Hype House and got into Bryce's car. I texted Mads that I wasnt feeling well so Bryce was taking me to Sway. Bryce then put his hand on my thigh and my cheeks started heating up. He then started driving.

We got to the Sway house and we went to Bryce's room. He locked the room and we may have gone for round 2...

--The next day--

I woke in Bryce's arms. I still felt numb from yesterday. It was the best night of my life!

Bryce was still sleeping and I looked at him and just smiled. I pulled out my phone and made a tiktok with him and saved it to my drafts.

Bryce's POV

I woke up and saw Addison watching a tiktok of me and her.

Bryce: Boo!

Addison: Bryceee. You scared me! *She hit me playfully and laughed

Bryce: Good morning beautiful *I said while tucking a her hair behind her ear

Addison: Good morning *she blushed

Bryce: We should probably take a shower now *i laughed

Addison: Yeah

We got up and I saw Addison couldnt walk properly. So i went to her and carried her bridal style to my bath tub. I turned on the water and made sure it was nice amd warm. I got inside the tub with her and rinsed her off.

We got out after a while and I gave her my hoodie and sweats to change. I was leaving the bathroom when she stopped me. She pecked my lips and then closed the door to change.

I love this girl so much

Addison's POV

I got out of the bathroom and booked an uber to go him. I know Bryce couldve dropped me home but he also needed to rest.

I went to Bryce and we walked to the kitchen to have some breakfast. Jaden was the only one there

Addison: Good morning Jaden

Jaden: Good morning Addi

Bryce: Hey dont call her Addi! *Bryce shouted

Jaden looked at Bryce confused and then me. I just shrugged

Jaden: Why?

Bryce: Cuz that is what I call her

Jaden: So? Why cant I also call her Addi. She's my friend as well

Bryce: Just. Dont.

Jaden: Ok dude calm down

Bryce and I sat down to eat breakfast. I love how he doesnt want anyone to call me Addi instead of him🥺

Jaden: So AddiSON, what are you doing in sway so early

Addison: Oh um..I wasnt feeling well yesterday at the party so Bryce brought me here

We finished eating breakfast and my uber was here. Bryce insisted to drop me home

Addison: Bryce its fine Ill go in uber. I dont have any problem

Bryce: Okay if you say so but at least Im going to walk you to the door

Jaden just kept staring at us looking confused. I smiled at him and said bye and walk towards the door. Bryce followed me. We got to the door and Bryce opened it for me. I was about to leave when Bryce stopped me

Bryce: Addi..uh.. will you go on a date with me tonight?

Addison: Um nahh

Bryce: What..

Addison: Just kidding! Text me the time and place. Can I go now?

Bryce: No

Bryce looked around to see if anybody was there. He smiled and pulled me closer to him and kissed me quickly

Bryce: You can go now

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I got into the uber and left to go to my apartment

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now