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--2 years later--

Bryce's POV

Addison was still sleeping. I woke up early in the morning and made breakfast for her. Today was our anniversary and this year was the best year of my life so I wanted it to be very special for her.

This is how I decorated our house:

This is how I decorated our house:

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Bryce: Perfect

Then I went to Faith's room to check on her. She was also sleeping so I woke her up.

Bryce: Wakie wakie faith

Faith opened her eyes and smiled at me. Gosh I love this kid so much. I picked her up and changed her

Bryce: Baby do you know its our anniversary today

Bryce: Lets go wake her up

Then we both went to mine and Addi's room. I opened the curtains to let the sunlight in and placed Faith beside Addi. I kissed Addison's cheeks

Bryce: Good morning beautiful

Her eyes fluttered open. She looked confused at first but then she smiled at me

Addison: Good morning and happy anniversary

Bryce: Happy anniversary to you too

I said and kissed her. I deepened the kiss but she pulled away

Addison: Bryce Faith is here

She laughed. I stood up and took Faith in my arms

Bryce: Ok now get up! I made breakfast

Addison: Yayy. Ill go freshen up first

She said getting up and going to the bathroom

Addison's POV

I cant believe it has already been a year! I was honestly so happy with Bryce. I cant believe how I got so lucky to have I have a husband like him. And Faith- my little angel. They both are my world

I freshened up, brushed my teeth and came out of the bathroom to see Bryce standing with Faith and a blindfold

Addison: What is that for

I asked pointing to the blindfold

Bryce: Just wear it

He came behind me to tie the blindfold. He then held my hands led me downstairs. Something smelled really good, it was like roses

Bryce: You can take off your blindfold now

Addison: K

I took off my blindfold and my jaw dropped. Our whole house was filled with red roses.

Bryce: Surprise!

I went up to him and hugged him tightly

Addison: I love you baby

Bryce: I love you too

He said kissing me

Bryce: I have one more thing for you

Addison: Aww Bryce

He gave Faith to me and ran to our room. I seated Faith on her chair and was looking around our living room when he came back with a box and gave it to me. I opened it and it was a diamond necklace

Addison: Bryce! Omg this is so pretty...wasnt this expensive?..

Bryce: Ya ya ya now put it on

He said and I laughed. He took out the necklace and put it on me

Addison: You know you didnt have to

Bryce: I know, but I want to

After he was done I looked at a mirror. It was so beautiful

Bryce: You like it?

Addison: Like it? I love it!

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed my back with his tongue and picked me up a little from the ground

Addison: Thank you baby

Bryce: Anything for you

We spent time together the rest of the day. Our friends came by to wish us. Mads also took Faith with her so Bryce and I could be alone

It was night now. Bryce and I were laying on our bed when I posted this picture on Ig:

Liked by brycehall and thousand of othersaddisonraee ❤️View all 10,599 commentscharlidamelio GOALS!brycehall My girls🥺

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Liked by brycehall and thousand of others
addisonraee ❤️
View all 10,599 comments
charlidamelio GOALS!
brycehall My girls🥺

After posting I went into Bryce's arms and he hugged me and I feel asleep in his arms

--The End--

A/n- I cant believe just finished my first story! I hope you guys liked it and thank you so much for all the reads the votes!! I love you guys. Also new book coming is coming  soon so stay tuned. And yes I know I suck at epilogues, so sorry

P.s. Braddison is slowly making a comeback❤️

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