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Bryce's POV

It has been a month since we got back from the Bahamas. Everything between me and Addison is fine. I love her a lot. All our friends and family know about our relationship. We havent announced it on the internet yet but I think our supporters all secretly know.

I was going to a party tonight. I asked Addison if she wanted to go but she was busy. I arrived at the party. One of my friends invited me here. It reeked of alcohol amd weed. I am very grateful to Addison. She has changed me for the better. I have become sober for her and it feels so good.

I kept walking through all the people to find my friend. Then I saw Sydney. After so long and she looked drunk. I didnt even know she was in LA.

She came up to me and tripped so I helped her up.

Sydney: Heyy Bryceee

She said coming closer to me and wrapping her arms around me neck. I pushed her away

Sydney: I missed you baby

Bryce: Sydney I have a gi-

Before I could finish, she smashed her lips against mine. I quickly pushed her away and left the party

I felt so disgusted. I hope no one saw it or else they would spread rumours for no reason. 'I have to tell Addison tomorrow' I said to myself and returned to the Sway house.

--The next day--

Addison's POV

I woke up and checked my phone. I got 2 messages from Bryce. I opened it and he said he wanted to come over. I said sure and went to the bathroom to freshen up and change. Mads wasnt home so I ate breakfast alone. After a while Bryce arrived.

I was laying on the couch, scrolling through instagram. Bryce was talking on the phone. I came across TikTokroom's post and my heart sank. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a picture of Bryce and Sydney kissing eachother from yesterday's party.

I started crying and Bryce came running to me

Bryce: What happened?!

He said hugging me


I shouted pushing him away from me

Bryce: Please calm down Addi amd tell me what happened


I said and showed him the pictures and he closed his eyes and sighed


I said slowly, feeling insecure

Bryce: Addison just listen to me please

I stayed silent

Bryce: Yesterday in the party, Sydney was drunk. She came up to me and started saying she misses me. Then out of nowhere she kissed me and I instantly pushed her away. This is what I came to tell you today. I dont know who took that picture but just know nothing happened between us. Please trust me...

Addison: I need some time..

Bryce: Ok but just remember I love you and only you and I would never cheat on you

With that, he walked out the door. I thought he changed

I didnt know what to think. I just sat on the couch staring at the ceiling when I heard someone come in

Mads: Hey Adds

I ran to her and hugged her and started crying. She hugged me tightly and rubbed my back

Mads: Hey..what happened

Addison: Bryce..he cheated..on me

Mads: WHAT

I just continued crying

Mads: Ok Addison stop crying first and tell me what happened from the beginning

She pulled me to sit on the couch. I pulled out my phone and showed her the picture. She gasped

Mads: i-... Did you talk to him about this

Addison: Y-yes

Mads: What did he say

I explained everything to her

Mads: Addison I've known Bryce before you. He was very different before and I can say he has changed a lot for you. I think he's telling the truth..

Addison: I dont know

Mads: Look at the end of the day its your relationship, not mine. So what does your heart say? Do you think he cheated

Addison: No *i mumbled

Mads: Then

Addison: What should I do now

Mads: Talk to him and sort everything out. Should I drive you to the sway house? He's probably there

Addison: Ok..

We got into the car and I thought about him the whole time. We finally got to the sway house and knocked on the door. Anthony opened the door

Addison: Where's Bryce?

Anthony: He is in his room. Wh-

Addison: Ok thank you

I ran to his room and opened the door. He turned around and saw me. His eyes were red. I went and hugged him tightly. He did the same. I pulled away

Addison: Im sorry..I shouldn't have you shouted at you like that *I said with a tear escaping my eye

Bryce wiped the tear from my face

Bryce: No dont be sorry. Its my fault. I should've told as soon as she kissed me. Im sorry

I leaned my forehead against his

Addison: I love you

Bryce: I love you more *I giggled

We talked a bit then we went downstairs holding hands

Mads: Look who made up!

She said and came and gave me a hug

Addison: Thank you

I whispered and she mouthed 'your welcome' and smiled. I decided to sleep over Sway and we all watched movies all night

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now