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Addison's POV

I am now 4 months pregnant. The feeling of having a baby grow inside of you is surreal. Me and Bryce have been inseparable. He does not leave me alone and sleeps with me at my apartment almost everynight. He is with me tonight as well and we are just cuddling when he speaks up

Bryce: Addi

Addison: Hmm

Bryce: I have been thinking, uh why dont we move in together

Addison: Are you sure?

Bryce: Yes, 100%. Look I have already told you that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby *he said and smiled at my belly*. So its up to you now

Addison: Lets move in together!

I said smiling widely and he kissed me

Bryce: You wanna go house hunting tomorrow?

I nod

--The next day--

We told our family and friends that we want to move in together and they all were supportive of our decision. Mads was a little sad I wont be living with her anymore but she was happy for us. Its now 11:40pm and Bryce and I are looking at some houses.

--1 week later--

Bryce and I narrowed it down to 3 houses which we liked

These were our options:

These were our options:

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Bryce: Addi which house do you like the most? I like the second one

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Bryce: Addi which house do you like the most? I like the second one

Addison: I like the second one too. The house is very spacious and I just love the fireplace and the view. But that house is very expevsive

Bryce: So? Look I have been saving all my life and this is where I want to spend it. I want our house to be perfect!

Addison: Uhh are you sure?

Bryce held my hand and nodded, smiling at me

Addison: Ok then I'll pay half and you pay half

Bryce: But-

Addison: No buts *I laughed

Bryce: Okayy. Lets do it!

He said smiling and I kissed him

--2 weeks later--

We bought the house and now we were just packing some other things which were left. We are going to move to our new house tomorrow and I was so excited.

Bryce: Addi take some rest. Too much exertion is not good for you and the baby

He said kissing my belly

Addison: But I have to pack

I said pouting

Bryce: I'll do it. You go rest for a bit

After 2 hours we were finally done packing everything. Bryce, Mads, Jaden and I were eating dinner

Mads: I'll miss you so much Addison

Addison: Aww me too

Bryce: You guys are still going to meet ya know

Addison: STILL. We wont be living together anymore

Mads: And Addison will have Bryce, but what about me

Jaden: Excuse me

He said clearing his throat and we all started laughing.

After dinner, we washed the dishes and the boys were leaving

Bryce: I can stay here if you want

Mads: Nu-uh. Its my last night with Addison so leaveee

I just laughed. We said our goodbyes and the boys left. Me and Mads sat on the couch and talked a lot. Then we watched our favorite movies all night. Im going to miss living with her so much

--The next day--

I woke up at 9am and checked my phone. I got two messages from Bryce and he said he's going to pick me up at 11

I went to my bathroom and freshened up.

I got dressed into this:

I went outside and Mads had already prepared breakfast for us so me and her ate

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I went outside and Mads had already prepared breakfast for us so me and her ate.

After eating, I checked if I took everything. Bryce finally came to pick me up.

Bryce: Baby you look so good

He said and kissed me

Addison: Thank you

Bryce: Are you ready to leave?

I nod. Bryce took my suitcases and went downstairs. I hugged Mads tightly before getting into the car. Bryce kept his hand on my hand and smiled before driving.

After half an hour, we finally pulled up to our house. Bryce got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out of the car and he pulled me closer by my waist and we just looked at our house

Bryce: This is OUR house! I love you so much

He said leaning on my forehead

Addison: I love you too

I said smiling and kissing him. And with that we entered our new house


Im so happy and thank you for all the reads💕

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