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Bryce's POV

Me and Addi got to our room and laid down on our bed. I was about to kiss her when our door burst open

Blake: Guys

Bryce: Hey blake..

Blake: We are going to the beach in 30 minutes so get ready

And then he left the room. Addison got up and opened her suitcase and I just smiled

Addison: Why are you smiling *she laughed

Bryce: Cuz Im going to see you in a bikini now

Addison: Bryce! Pervert *she said and shook her head but I could see her blushing

Bryce: What? I have already seen you naked multiple times *i smirked

Addison turned more red and quickly went to the bathroom to change

Addison's POV

I put on this bathing suit:

I put on sun block and got out of the bathroom

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I put on sun block and got out of the bathroom. Bryce stared at me with his mouth open. I smiled and walked up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I pulled away and he looked into my eyes

Bryce: You're so beautiful

I was blushing so hard. I hugged him and buried my face in his neck. He put his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly, picking me up a bit. I felt so safe and happy with him. Just then we heard a knock and split quickly.

Dixie: Are you guys ready?

Addison: Yeah almost. You guys go we are coming

Dixie: K

Dixie left and I put on my short and sandals. We left our room and met everybody in the lobby. We got into our cars and drove to the beach. We had so much fun there. We made tiktoks, took pictures and played volleyball. We also ate lunch on a restaurant near the beach.

Some of us decided to go back to the hotel as we were very tired.

Bryce's POV

Im such an idiot! I was thinking about Addison and I when I remembered I havent actually asked her to be my girlfriend yet. We were in the Bahamas so it was perfect. I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend tonight at the beach.

Addison's POV

We were at the hotel, exploring it the rest of the day. But Bryce wasnt with me. He said he needed to go somewhere. I asked him where but he wouldnt tell me so I hung out with Mads and Avani.

Bryce came and we all went to dinner so I couldn't get the chance to talk to him properly. We were going to a fancy restaurant so this is what I wore:

 We were going to a fancy restaurant so this is what I wore:

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Bryce's POV

I wanted to ask Addi to be my girlfriend and then give her a promise ring, so I had gone out to buy 2 cartier rings for us. I engraved 'Bryce' on the inside of her ring and 'Addison' on mine.

It was dinner time by the time I got back as it took a lot of time to engrave our names on the rings so I decided to ask her after dinner. We went to a restaurant to eat dinner so and Addison looked so sexy.

We all finished dinner and everyone headed back to the hotel. I pulled Addison away from the group

Addison: Bryce what are you doing

Bryce: Come, I wanna take you somewhere

I gave her my hand and she took it. We then walked to the beach.

Addison: Bryce whats happening

I stopped and looked at her and held her hands

Bryce: Addison I love you a lot, so um..will you be my girlfriend?

Addison: Omg yes!

Then she jumped into my arms

Addison: And I love you too

She said and kissed me

Addison's POV

Bryce just asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes! I love him so much

Bryce: Oh I have one more thing to do

He said and took out a box out of his pocket. He opened it and it was a Cartier ring. I widened my eyes

Bryce: Dont worry, Im not proposing *Bryce laughed

He took my hand

Bryce: I would if I could but I think we are too young .
For now, this will do *he said while sliding the ring on my finger* This is a promise ring. I promise to always love you no matter what and support you in all your decisions and always protect you

Addison: Aww Bryce Im going cry!!

Then I put his ring on his finger. We then interwhined our fingers and talked and laughed, while walking on the beach

I love this guy so much❤️

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now