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Addison's POV

I woke up at 10am and stretched my arms and let out a yawn. I checked my phone to see 2 messages from Bryce

Hey! Good morning
I was hoping we could go somewhere
today because I'm really bored

Good morning☀️
Bryce i would love to but i have to go meet
my boyfriend Tony at the HH today


Um Bryce why dont you come to the HH
with me?
It'll be fun

Thats a great idea
Ok get ready, Ill come to pick you up
at 11. Ok?

Ok great! C u at 11

Seen 10:06am

I got out from my bed and ate some breakfast. I woke up Mads and asked her if she wanted to go to the Hype House but she was going to a breakfast date with Jaden today. I left her room and went to get ready

This is what i wore:

I called Tony and told him I was coming today with Bryce

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I called Tony and told him I was coming today with Bryce. Tony and Bryce already knew eachother so he didnt mind. I havent met Tony since he left Louisiana so i was excited to meet him.

Bryce POV

It was almost 11 and I pulled up to Mads and Addison's apartment. I texted Addison that i was here and she said she's coming. Addison came and she looked so pretty. I opened the door for her and she got inside the car. I started the car.

Bryce: So how long have you been dating Tony?

Addison: Almost a year. What about you and Sydney?

Bryce:4 months

Addison: Oh

Bryce: So how's it going with Tony, if you dont mind me asking

Addison: Not at all. I dont know actually. He has changed. It has been a month since we have met and he rarely calls me anymore. I guess he's too busy for me..

Bryce: Well Tony is one lucky guy to have you

Addison: Thanks *blushes*

Just then we pull up to the Hype House

Addison's POV

I entered the Hype House with Bryce. I knew most of the members because of Charli and Dixie and also because of TikTok.

Charli came running to me when she saw me. I hugged her tightly

Charli: I missed you so much addi

Addison: Same *I squealed

Charli: Come on in

Charli introduced me to everyone

Addison: Where's dixie

Charli: Oh she's with Noah

Addison: "Couple of besties" *we laughed
Um Char do you know where Tony is?

Charli: Yeah he's in his room. Just go upstairs and take the second room from the right

Addison: K thx

I headed upstairs. I saw Bryce was hanging out with Ryland and Chase. Addison no Tony, Tony, focus on Tony. I entered his room and he was laying on his bed talking on the phone. I went up to him all happy and he didnt even look at me properly. We were meeting after 1 month! He hung up his phone after 2 minutes and finally talked to me

Tony: Hi Addison

Addison: Hey...

Tony: When did you come?

Addison: Just now

Tony: Why is your mood so off?

Addison: Tony it has been a month since we met and you didnt even look at me when I came in. Is your call more important than me?!

Tony: Calm tf down. It was just a call. Stop making such a big deal out of it

Addison: Big deal? I was so excited to meet you after so many days and this is how you treat me

Tony: Godd! Thanks for ruining my mood as well

And I left his room after that. I felt so disrespected. I didnt wanna talk to him. I just went downstairs and walked out the door of the HH.

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