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Addison's POV

I am now 9 months pregnant. My belly is huge now and I just want this baby out. I am tired of all the morning sickness, swollen feet and back pain. But at the end of the day, I know its going to be worth it. Me and Bryce, we both are very happy together. I am so grateful for him. He took care of me all these months. Im sure he's going to be a great father. We dont know if our baby is a boy or girl because we want it to be a surprise.

Bryce and I were sitting outside, beside the fireplce. I was sitting in between his legs with my head rested on his chest, and he was caressing my belly.

Addison: Bryce?

Bryce: Hmm

Addison: Will you love the baby more than me? *I said pouting

Bryce started laughing

Bryce: Aww Addi.. I will always love you the most

I smiled at him and he kissed me. He then started kissing my neck and I moaned lightly

Addison: Mhmm...Bryce

Bryce: What baby *He said in between kisses

Addison: BRYCE

Bryce: What happened?!

Addison: I think my water just broke

Bryce: Omg really? Lets go to the hospital!

I started having contractions and it hurt a lot. Bryce held one of my hand and put the other around his shoulder and led me to the car. I sat down and he quickly got in and started driving

Addison: Ahhhh Bryce!

Bryce: Baby just 15 minutes and we'll get to the hospital

He said holding my head

Bryce: Should I call your parents now?

I nod. He called them and told them I was in labour. We finally got to the hospital and I sat on a wheelchair while Bryce was talking to the receptionist. They lead us to the room and told Bryce to leave

Bryce: No no please let me stay

Nurse: Okay but you have to change first

They changed me and Bryce came

Doctor: Ok Addison. They baby is ready to come so push

Bryce stood there with me and held my hand and I started pushing

Addison: Bryceee

Bryce: Yes baby Im right here

I pushed with all my strength one last time and I heard a baby crying. Bryce kissed my forehead and I was breathing heavily

Bryce: Baby you did it!

I looked at him and smiled. The doctor came with our baby and gave the baby to me

Doctor: Congrats! Its a girl

The doctor said and I started crying. Bryce hugged the both of us. Bryce kissed me and then our baby. He was also crying

Addison: Dont cry baby

Bryce: Im just so happy *he said wiping his tears* this- this is our baby Addi. I cant believe this. Thank you

He said looking at our baby in awe. I kissed the baby one last time and the docter took her to do some tests. She said she will bring her back in an hour. Bryce left the room to change and then entered the room again.

He came to me and sat on the bed, holding my hand. I rested my head on his chest

Addison: Im so happy

Bryce: Me too

Bryce said getting away from me a little then sat infront of me

Bryce: Addison I love you so so much. You make me the happiest and I cant imagine my life without you

He said bringing a box out of his pocket

Bryce: I dont think there is any better time to do this. Addison Rae Easterling, will you marry me?

My eyes widened and started welling up with tears

Addison: Yes-yes Bryce of course Ill marry you

Bryce took my hand and put the ring on my finger. He came on top of me and hugged me lightly, making sure I wasnt getting hurt. I rubbed his back and looked at my ring

Addison: The ring is beautiful!

Bryce: Not more than you

Addison: I love you

I said hugging him tighter. Thats when we heard a knock. Bryce got off of me and opened the door. It was my parents. My mom hugged Bryce and then my parents came to me

Monty: Congragulations Addison! We both are proud of you

Addison: Thanks dad

Addison: Guys I'm engaged!

Sheri: We know

Addison: Huh how?

Sheri: Bryce took permission from me and my father first

I smiled and looked at Bryce and he scratched his neck

The doctor then came with our baby and gave her to Bryce. Bryce held her carefully and kissed her cheek

Bryce: See Addi. I told you we were going to have a girl

I rolled my eyes playfully

Addison: Now give her to meee

Bryce: No you held her all this time. Now Im not giving her to anyone

Bryce said and we all started laughing. I love this guy so much!

Bryce and I decided to name our baby Faith

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