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Addison's POV

Bryce told me he was meeting Sydney today. I completely forgot about Sydney. I just want Bryce to mine

Bryce: Earth to Addison!

Addison: Oh yea *i shaked my head a little* ok.. have fun

Bryce: Addison.. Im not going on a date with her

He chuckled

Addison: Then?

Bryce: Im breaking up with her

Addison: Really?

Bryce: Yeah.. I dont think its working out anymore *he looked straight at me when he said that

Bryce: Oh do you want me to drop you to your apartment

Addison: Yes please. That would be great

Bryce's POV

I just dropped off Addison at her apartment now off to Alfredo.

I got there and Sydney was sitting on a table

Bryce: Hey

Sydney: Hi Bryce.. ok um we need to talk

Bryce: Really? I also think that. Uhh you first

Sydney: Bryce I am actually moving to Florida with my mother. I dont think LA is for me. I think its time we break up..

Bryce: Yea Sydney I was also thinking the same thing. I hope we can still stay friends

Sydney: Yeah!

Sydney and I hugged and then we both left on our separate paths

--Time to when Bryce is home--

I got home and got a text for Addison

So how'd go

Good actually
She is moving to Florida so this is also
what she wanted

Oh good

Um Addison i've been thinking
I think we should wait before we take
before we take the next step
We both just got out of a relationship

Yes Bryce I was thinking the same
Let's not rush into anything

Im glad you understand
Seen 12:25 pm

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now