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Bryce's POV

I woke up and tried to get up but something weighed me down. I looked over to my side and saw Addi laying on my chest. I just kept staring at her when she suddenly started talking in her sleep

Addison: Mhmm Bryce..faster baby fasterr

My eyes widened. Was she? No oh my god. I laughed and quickly grabbed my phone and started recording her. She woke up after a few minutes. She looked at me and a smirk grew on my face

Addison: What?

Bryce: Nothing

Addison: No what is it

Bryce: You really wanna know

Addison: Yea...

I took my phone and showed the video to her. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She looked embarrassed

Addison: Omg Bryce I- Im-

I cut her off by cupping her facing and started kissing her. I kept kissing down her neck when she stopped me

Addison: No Bryce I dont know how it happened and I just feel so embarrased

Bryce: No baby dont be embarrased. Its fine. It happens ok?

Addison: Ok..

Bryce: Cmon I took that video cuz I thought it was funny, not for you to be embarrased. And anyways its not like u were dreaming about someone else, it was me

I smirked. She laughed and rolled her eyes playfully

Addison: Yea ok ok. Now get up. We need to go for breakfast

Bryce: K

Addison's POV

I was so embarrased when Bryce showed me that video. I couldnt believe I did that but then he made me feel better. I guess it was a bit funny

I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I braided my hair and wore this dress:

I got out of the bathroom and Bryce was coming towards me but I stopped him

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I got out of the bathroom and Bryce was coming towards me but I stopped him

Addison: No, dont even think about it. Go to the bathroom first and get ready. Our friends are waiting for us

Bryce: Okayy

We planned on tell everyone today that we were officially dating. I was nervous but excited for everyone to know. Bryce got ready and we went down together at the breakfast area. Everyone already started eating so we joined them. After a while Jaden stood up

Jaden: Guys Im done. Im going to go to my room now

Mads: Ill also come

Jaden: K

Addison: No wait!

I stood up and looked at Bryce. He also did the same

Addison: Ok umm

Dixie: Wait Addison, Is that a hickey?

Everyone started staring at me so I quickly covered it with my hair

Josh: Um why are you guys wearing matching rings?

Noah: Yea I was thinking the same thing-

Bryce: Guys! We are trying to tell you something

Bryce then grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and everyone gasped

Bryce and Addison: We are dating!

Everyone: What?? How? When?

Bryce: Ok calm down guys

Mads: First tell us. Everything.

Then we explained everything to them and they were all happy for us

Avani: Yay now we can go to double dates *and I smiled looking at Bryce

Jaden: Oh! So Addi was the special girl you were taking on a date that day, werent you Bryce?

I blushed

Bryce: Yes and dont call her Addi

Jaden: Ok I understand why now

Jaden smirked and everyone started making 'ooo' noices. I was blushing so much so I covered my face by hugging Bryce. I was happy that everyone knows now so we dont have to sneak into each others room anymore lol

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