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Bryce's POV

I saw Addison walk out of the HH. She looked really sad so i said bye to Chase and Ryland and quickly went to her. I saw her just standing over there. I tapped her shoulder and she turned around and looked at me. She hugged me and I hugged her back. She let go after a while

Bryce: Addison what happened, i thought you went to meet Tony

Addison: Um nothing happened. Bryce would you do me a favour and drop me home please

Bryce: Of course Addison

We got into the car. As it was lunch time we bought Taco bell on our way. Addison was quiet the whole way

Addison's POV

We finally got to our apartment. I told Bryce to come with me and he agreed. We went upstairs and Mads wasnt home yet so we just started eating.

Bryce: So are you going to say what happened orrr

Addison: So i got to Tony's room and he was talking on the phone. He saw me but he didnt hang up his phone. He finally hung up and didnt even apologize. I told him and he just shouted at me. Was I so wrong to ask my boyfriend, who I havent met for 1 month, for some attention? *I started getting emotional

Bryce: Its okay Addison. Please dont ruin your mood for that a$$hole

Addison: Bryce language! *I pouted

Bryce: Haha sorry sorry

We just talked some more and got to know eachother better. 2 hours had passed and I didnt even notice. I felt so much better talking to Bryce. I didnt even think about Tony

Bryce: Okay Addison I gotta go now

Addison: Ok and Bryce, thank you, for everything

Bryce: Anytime *he smiled

We stood up and Bryce pulled me into a hug. My heart felt so happy with him.

Bryce's POV

I hugged Addison. I didnt wanna let go but I knew I had to. I pulled away from the hug and we just looked into our eyes. She had such beautiful eyes, I could stare at them all day. My eyes then travelled to her lips. I just had this urge to kiss her and I did. My mind just lost control of my body and I held her neck and pulled her closer to me. Then my lips touched hers. It felt so good. She kissed me back! She cupped my face and pulled me closer to her. The kiss was passionate and we both longed for it so much. We walked backwards until Addison's back hit the wall. Then I kissed her jawline and went down her neck.

Addison's POV

Bryce started kissing down my neck. I have never felt so good before. I ran my fingers through his soft hair. He soon started sucking my skin. I couldnt help but moan. I could feel him smirk. Then I came back to my senses. Although I wanted this, I knew it was wrong so I puhed Bryce off of me gently. He looked so sad

Addison: Bryce...we cant

Bryce: I know and Im so so sorry. I shouldn't have. Its my fault

Addison: Its ok, I didn't stop you either. Um I think you should leave now..

Bryce: Yeah ok bye..

Just like that he left. I just wanted to go stop him and kiss him again but I couldnt

Falling // A Braddison love storyWhere stories live. Discover now