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Disclaimer: The last minute of season one never happened. In other words, Caleb never possessed Nick, We are going to start the story off at the part where Julie and Luk. I thought for the most part the ending was good but, I thought it could be a little bit better, Without further ado...
Phantom Zone - 1
Julie embraced Luke in a hug holding onto him not letting go as he didn't seem to object. He pulled her closer to him as he held back tears trying to be strong. It took Julie a moment to register what was happening, it had slipped her mind the fact that they were ghosts but, when she did she pulled away still holding onto him in fear if she let go he would disappear.

"How can I feel you," she says looking at their hands making sure she wasn't imagining things, after all, it's not like she hadn't wondered what it would be like to feel his skin on hers.

" I dont know." he says looking into her eyes. He moves his hands from hers and places the on her cheeks pulling them closer together, she mimicked his actions leaning into his touch not ever wanting the moment to end.
"I..I feel stronger." He says smiling at her, As the other two boys notice a faint light coming from Luke almost as if he was glowing. They two boys looked up at Julie as she motioned for them to come closer to them as they were embraced in a group hug.

They didnt know how or why but, Julie made them stronger.

"Julie.. Julie i came to return the pro..... Julie I can see them" Flynn says as she opens the doors to the studio.

"Wait you can see us?" Reggie asks.

"Yeah....your even cuter close up." She says mumbling the last part, which doesnt go un noticed by Reggie but, he chose to keep quiet for now.
" I dont understand how this is possible, we should be out of time by now." Alex said

" I dont know but, some how it seems we were givin a second chance." Luke says "As much as I would like to know how we are here we dont know how long we have left So, i say we enjoy it."

"Hes right" Reggie says as Alex nods his head in agreement.

"This calls for a celebration, Im gonna go get snacks from the kitchen Julie pick a movie, get ready its gonna be a long night boys." Flynn says as she heads to find food.

"Sweet I havent watched a movie in well... 25 years." Alex says laughing.

"Im gonna go grab some blankets, I'll be right back." Julie says going into the other room.

As soon as the two boys saw the door close they broke out into laughter. "Whats so funny guys?" Luke said completley lost as if he was left out on a joke.

"The way you look at julie you obviously like her ." Alex says. "Yeah i agree he was all 'Julie I love you' 'Julie you are an angel' ' Julie will you marry me'" Reggie says.

"I do not sound like that." Luke says in attempt to change the subject.

"You cant avoid this its so obvious you flirt with her all the time." Alex says. "Thats true when you too sing together your practically making out with your eye contact." Reggie says as both boys give him a weird look, "Too far?"

"Will you cut it out shes in the next room."

"Not until you admit it

Before Luke can say anything he is stopped by the door opening "Admit What?" Julie asks innocently not knowing they were talking about her. " Nothing just some dumb conspiracy the guys cooked up in their dead heads." Luke says changing the subject. "Okay" Julie says letting it go as she puts the blankets on the three couches.

"Were not done with this conversation" Reggie mouths as Luke rolls his eyes ignoring him. As each boy plops down on their own couch. Luke and Alex each on a side couch by themselves and Reggie on the middle one as the couches form cemi circle with a coffee table in the middle.

"Im back and I brought snacks." Flynn says her arms full of food and drinks as she strategically places them on the coffee table.

This is going to be a long night!

What do you think Trust me the next chapter will have lots of Julie and Luke moments! Also do you feel like I'm rushing it to much?  I listened to unsaid Emily while starting the chapter  I  have to admit I cried!

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