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So from here on out the chapters will be a lot longer as they will be updated at least every Sunday.Also This chapter is gonna be one of my favs so far so yeah...
⚠️Trigger warning/ it gets kinda deep⚠️
A few hours later, Alex and Reggie were going on about the dumbest things arguing over Pineapple should be on pizza. Alex was Pro Pineapple and Reggie wasn't so as usual they were in conflict. Sometimes Luke wonders how they survived 25 years together sometimes they can be a little bit of a pain. Of course Luke had his own opinions on The topic and on a usual day he would be jumping into the conversation but, he kept thinking about julie. He had no clue if she would talk to him if she wouldn't even talk to her best friend. " What did you not understand about how you died." Reggie exclaimed loudly.
"What are you talking about?" Alex asked wondering how we got here.
" You but strange things that don't go together and boom you get food poisoning and DIE!" Reggie said exasperated.
" whatever your the one that wanted Street dogs."
" No i wasnt." Reggie says defensivly.
Before Alex could shoot back Luke cut them off "Will you guys shut up?" Both boys rolled their eyes
" Why are you in a mood?!" Reggie asked.
" Im not okay Im just.... I dont know..."
" Well i do and so does everyone else yout worried about Julie!"Alex said stating rhe obvious.
Luke looks down at his folded hands not trying to deny it anymore.
" So you admit it finally! You admit you have feelings for Julie?"
" Yeah, I do, Ever since we first saw her shes always there in the back of my head,"
"Woohoooo!" Both boys exclaim jumping around like little kids on a sugar high!
"I dont know what to do guys?!" Luke said looking at them,
"Go talk to her," Alex said,
"Yeah, You're right im gonna go now." Luke said standing up from the couch.
"I think im gonna go out tonight." Alex said smiling.
" Okay."
" Reggie your coming with me!" Alex said not to even asking me
" Fine i need to get out anyways."
All three boys walked out of the studio before Luke turned around to look at them.
" Wait,Where are you going?"
They looked at one another before looking at Luke.
" Ummm Definitely not to the nearest Pizza shop...." Reggie said as Alex hit him on the chest.
Luke rolled his eyes at their childish behavior.
As Alex and Reggie went off on their way down the driveway, Luke made his way to the door he smiled slightly as he tried to go through the door but instantly ended up on his back.
" Well that's new" Luke mumbled as he got back up. He looked into the house seeing it appeared empty as he remembered Her dad and brother were out. He grabbed hold of the door handle as he pushed it open. Coast is clear. He
noticed a picture of Julie that looked recent he couldn't help but see how pretty she was. He made his way up the stairs noticing Julies door was shut. he knocked lightly praying she would answer.
" Julie." He said in a low voice. No response. He heard the small sniffles as he debated what to do.
Finally he knew what he was going to do. He opened the door as the room was kinda dim.
He looked around before seeing her on the bathroom floor with a sad look as her face as her eyes were all puffy from crying. He rushed over to her bending down.
"Julie, Are you Okay?"
She tried to smile as he put his arms around her.
"I.... I...." she couldn't say anything as she broke down in his arms.
" Hey what happened,"
" Carrie the girl from That other group she was in the hall way and umm.. she said some things about me and i just..." She started crying on his shoulder.
He felt her pain he cared so much about her he didn't want her to go through that.
" Hey looks at me" he said his voice calm and loving.
Her tears eyes met his calm hazel ones.
" Whatever she said was not true okay You are amazing Okay,"
She smiled at him half heartedly as she couldn't understand why he was being so nice to her she figured it's cause they were friends but she couldn't help but wonder if it was more than that.
" Thanks Luke" She said not fully believing him.
" You don't have to thank me it's the truth you are... You're so..."
" Ugly" Julie said letting out a small chuckle as he looked down at her.
"I was going to say beautiful,"
He said looking down at her as she blushes.
He stood up taking her hand in his pulling her up with him.
" Come on we're going downstairs"
"Why?"She said hesitant
" Just Come on"

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