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An I know it might be rushed but i'm trying to get to the good stuff!! 

Julie couldn't contain a grin on her face as she went looked down blushing, He just kissed me she couldn't help but think smiling before she realizes that he probably only did it out of pity and he felt bad about how carrie was treating her.
Luke on the other hand was smirking as he couldn't believe what he had just done. He only prayed that she felt the same way.
"Umm" Luke started trying to find the words.
" Sorry to interrupt but can i borrow Julie for a moment." Flynn says smiling.
" Sure go ahead" Luke says smiling at her.
As they get farther away Flynn
" Oh My god y'all just..."
" Look i don't even know what it means, He probably only did it cause he felt bad for me."
" Ju..."
" Look Flynn i dont want to talk about it right now okay"
" Fine, but we are having this conversation eventually"
" Fine" Julie says as they make their way back over to where luke is as Reggie comes running over
"Guys I think it's time to go"
" Why what happened" Luke asked.
" The teachers are in the look out for whoever spikes the punch."
Everyone looks at Flynn as she notices
"Not me Wrong Bitch" She says as Julie laughs as the head out Flynn's arm slung around her shoulder.
As reggie and Luke walk on either side of them.
When they make it to the parking lot, Reggie looks at Luke as they agree on something with their eyes they walk in front of Julie and Flynn as The put their arm around each other mimicking their girls as they all laugh.
They get into Luke's car and begin driving home! "What should we do it's 9 on a Saturday night"
"Stop light" Reggie yelled.
" Bet haven't played this since 95'" Luke says " What's stop light" Julie asks.
" you say left or right or any kinda direction whenever you come to a stop you see where you end up."
Reggie says.
" Left" Flynn screamed  as she climbed into the front sheet turning the music up. When she sat down she did it notice it but she scooted closer to reggie. Not that he was complaining though.
After about 2 hours of Playing this game they finally arriving home laughing and having a great time the all hoped out of the car as the went into the studio where they found a very distressed Alex!

Heheheh They're about to find out and Juke is about to sail!😃💓💓💓💓
Comment for a shout out in the next chapter!

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