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           Phantom Zone-2
"I'm gonna go change." Julie said as Flynn immediately follows her.
"Okay" Alex says unfolding a blanket as he lays on the couch
After the two girls enter the main house they hurry up the stairs to Julies room to avoid questions.
They enter Julies room as Flynn shuts the door behind her as she was the last one in. " Okay what's up with you and your boyfriend?" " There's nothing going on with me and Luke He's not my boyfriend, Flynn." She says as Flynn stands there with a smug look on her face as Julie grabs some clothes from her closet as she shuts the doors behind her. " What?!" Julie asks confused. "I never said anything about Luke." She says busting out laughing
"Shut up!" Julie says as she couldn't help but blush. 
" Okay but, when I walked in he was Totally checking you out you know that right?"
" What no he wasn't."
" He was and you know it end by the way you two were looking at each other y'all are meant to be together."
" I thought you were the one telling me not to waste my time on him." Julie says as she slips a pair of leggings on.
"Yeah that was when he was dead but, he's not dead at least not anymore."
" Yeah but, for how long, I can't handle losing him Flynn." She says slipping a hoodie on. Flynn hugged her as she understood what she was going through.
" Well like They said enjoy it while you have it, It's better to have loved and lost, Than to never have loved at all."
This brought a smile on Julies face. "When did you become so smart?"
"Oh hunny i've always been smart you just chose not to listen."
They both laughed as they ran downstairs out the door to the studio, when they got there the boys were each on there own couch.
" The Ladies return." Reggie says
" Is this seat taken?" Flynn asked taking reggie by surprise.
" uh.. i'm.. Yeah i mean No you can..sit." Reggie manages to get out.h
"Smooth." Alex says causing everyone but it Reggie to laugh.
Julie stands there awkwardly.
Luke realized it the moment she walked in but, didn't say anything instead he had a smirk on his face.
"Hey Julie where did you get that sweatshirt?"Reggie asks looking at Alex who was speechless.
"I found it in an old box while i was cleaning out why?"
Luke just shakes his head.
"Ignore them it looks good on you." Luke says smiling as he looks down realizing what he just said as the others can't help but smile.
Julie puts her head down blushing.
"Anyways are you going to sit down Julie?" Luke asks with a smile.
" Umm is this seat take" she asks gesturing to the spot next to Him
in the small couch.
" It is now" he says smiling at her as she sits down. Of course Luke picked the small couch their legs were touching the were so close.
Julie was kinda nervous to be told Who wouldn't be when sitting next to their crush though.
Luke picked up on her nerves
"Relax it's just me"
Julie couldn't help but, smile a little looking into his eyes.
As she looked away, as weird as it sounded she felt more comfortable than before as if his words calmed her as she let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding.
"So what are we watching?" Flynn asked as she grabbed some licorice from the table.
" Ooh there's some movie It ?" Alex  says
" Ooh i love a good scare." Flynn says.
" it's a horror movie?" Reggie asks excited to see what a 20th century horror movie looks like.
"Sounds good." Luke says as everyone agrees but, Julie.
" You good with that Julie?" Flynn asks.
" Yeah." she says shifting slightly
" Are you sure I know how you are-"
" Really it's fine Flynn." Julie says ending the conversation.
"IT, it is then" Alex said hitting play.
Luke tilts his head so him and julie are looking each other in the eyes "Don't worry i'll protect you."
He whispers with a small smirk causing Julie to smile and blush.

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