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An hour later...
Julie wakes up with her head snuggled into The crook of Luke's neck as her arms are wrapped around him. She looks up at him smiling as she sees him sleeping peacefully.
'God he's so handsome' Julie thinks you herself.
She looks back at him smiling life couldn't be any more perfect than it was in this moment. She wished time would stop and they could stay here forever in each other's arms yet she was excited and thrilled to see what would come next.
Suddenly Luke's eyes fluttered open.
" Good morning Julie"
"Morning Luke" She responded looking up at him as his eyes closed once more.
" it's rude to stare you know"
" I know i can't help it though"
" You can't can you" he said with a smirk looking down at the girl in his arms.
" i guess not" she said throwing him a similar look.
He leans down slightly as she tilts her head up letting their lips meet in a kiss.
" I can't believe after all this time this is really happening"
Julia said smiling.
" Yeah i bet you didn't think you would be dating a ghost"
" A former ghost"
" You know the moment i saw you that night we met i knew there was something about you"
" you did"
" Yeah i thought you had the most beautiful brown eyes and when you walked away it felt like i had to follow you and get to know you"
" Aw Luke" she said before giggling.
" When i first saw you i thought i was dreaming or something maybe loosing my mind you know it's not everyday you see there's dead boys standing in your studio."
Luke laughed as Julie sat up.
" No, where are you going"
Luke asked being needy and not wanting her to leave.
" I was going to see what's in the kitchen for breakfast."
She turned around as she was met with silence.
Luke later smirking in the bed staring at her.
" What"
he only laughed.
" i know i look like shit in the morning so stop looking at me"
julia says laughing it off.
" I actually think the opposite and by the way you look good in my sweatshirt."
julie looked down confused.
" What"
" I left it here in 99'"
" Really?? I had no idea."
" I know that's why Alex and Reggie where being morons about it the other day"
" oh"
Luke got out of bed smiling pulling her hips into him kissing her forehead.
" You can keep it, it looks hot on you anyways" he says smiling.
as she blushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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