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"Oh thank god your here" Alex says. Looking at Julie and Luke.
" What's going on" luke asks.
" Well lets just say i know how we are still here!"
" Wait really" Reggie says As alex simply nods.
" Then tell us" Julie says as Flynn sits down on the couch.
"Willie explained it and it' kinda confusing"
" Wait willie was here" Luke asks
" whose willie" Flynn asks
" Alexs boyfriend" Reggie says
" No hes not" Alex says blushing.
"Ill explain it later" Julie says
" Anyway It has to do with you two" he says gesturing towards luke and julie.
"So short version And julie are soulmate's and some how when julie was crying because she didn't want us to leave showed compassion or some shit and brought luke back but somehow we are all connected so it brought all of us back, Now a whole bunch of people may or may not want to kill them cause some veil between the spiritual world can be torn and all these ghosts can come back and the only way to stop that is for one of them to die but that's on the off chance anything happens which i probably won't but bigger picture Julie and Luke are destined to be together and from the moment the met the re wrote fate which is kinda romantic and oh my god i'm rambling" Alex stopped catching his breath as everyone looked at him mouth open in shock.
Julie didn't know what to say she was frozen and didn't know what to do.
" I— I need some air" Luke said walking out and in that moment Julie felt her heart shatter, He really didn't like her now he was stuck with her. She felt horrible and didn't know what to do.The kiss really was out of pity.
She looked at Flynn as she felt herself tear up, "I think i'm gonna.. go"
" Julie" Flynn said as she ran out crying to her room where she didn't know what to do.
"Wow" Flynn says.
" That's was a lot" Reggie says
"They need to grow up and realize their feelings for each other"
" I agree" 
" I don't even know what to say anymore i think i broke juke" Alex says
" They arent broken they just need time"

This was the shortest dam chapter but don't worry cause i have something epic planned for them next chapter, i wanted to write a reggie and Flynn chapter but i decided to save it for later!
the next chapter will be up soon!!!!!!!!!

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