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Phantom Zone-4
Julie opens her eyes taking in her surrounding. She's taken back at first unsure where she is. She sits up as she notices she's in the bed in the loft but, how did she get here? She looks around at the small area with a small smile.
She pulls her phone from the pocket of her sweatshirt that had seemed to cause some conversation last night though she didn't know why. She saw that it was already Nine, Crap she's late for school again. She hurries down the steps two at a time, once she reached the bottom she sees Flynn already gone. Typical she couldn't even wake her up. She looks to see reggie passed out on the couch and Alex on the air mattress.
" Morning Sleepy head." She hears from behind her and behold Luke sitting at the table with his guitar in his lap as he writes away in his song book. " Morning," Julie says as she rubs some of the sleep out of her eyes. " You must've been tired last night" Luke says as he looks up from his writing.
" Yeah i don't remember going to bed."
Luke laughs lightly before smiling.
" You didn't, You fell asleep before the movie ended I Carried you to the bed." "Oh" She says trying not to let her smile show.
" Don't worry i slept on the couch"
"Oh ... Okay, I could have slept on the couch you know i didn't mean to take your bed."
" It's fine I didn't mind."
"Well i'm that case Thank you,"
He smiled at her before that smirks shifted to a smirk.
" You know your really cute when you're asleep."
Julie laughed it off although inside she was ecstatic.
Julies phone went off.
Flynn: Are you going to sleep all day?!
" Crap Im so late I need to get to school maybe we can all do something later i get home early today?"
" Yeah, Yeah i'm looking forward to it." Luke says with a smile the size of Texas.
Julie smiles as she hurries into the house to get changed.

A couple hours later Julie managed to make it to her 5th class on time which is where she is now. Math. Calculus. What a fun class. Julie looks up at the board trying to concentrate on what she's being taught. She stares down on her paper with notes all over the place surrounded by doodles and lyrics on the edge.
She looks out the window Slow fading into her own reality.
Suddenly she was no longer in her math class she was back in her garage sitting on the edge of the tip top of her piano, While the Brown haired boy strums lightly on a acoustic guitar hmmm ing along to the melody while the young girl watches studying his every move.
You are the light
that's shining so bright
In the midst of a dark day
Luke starts as he instantly sets his guitar down.
So take my hand
and hold on tight
as we dance all through the night
He reaches his hand out for her to hold which she takes as he spins her.
He continues Just sing as she joins in their hands still intertwined they race out the doors still singing so wrapped up in each other. she looked into his eyes as she smiled. he picks her up by the waist and spends her around before setting her on the ground once more with his strong arms great down her back. ' I love you Julie!' he says with a grin as big as a Cheshier cat. ' I love you too Luke.' with that he leans down to kiss her but before their lips can make contact Julie was drawn out for world back into her own reality.
" Hey Juuulie" Flynn says dragging 'u' out as The bell signaling the end of the day rings.
" Hey Flynn."
" Took you long enough to get here!"
" Whatever, You could have woken me up."
" You looked peaceful ."
" Yeah yeah whatever" Julie says grabbing her books as a two head to the door.
They turn onto the hallway and of course behold the mean girl herself.
" hey Julie how's it going?" Carrie asks as fake as ever.
" Great Carrie why do you ask?"
Julie says putting on a fake act.
"Oh well I was just wondering if you're going to the Valentines dance tomorrow at the pavilion, you know I'm sure you've already heard about me and Nick getting back together."
" Yeah congratulations Carrie."
julie says even though she could really care less as it was in the nick that she was in love with.
"So are you going it's gonna be so romantic slow dancing and all you know oh wait I forgot poor little julie doesn't have a date." Carrie says smirking evilly.
normally she wouldn't let carrie get to her but for some reason this hurt more than she wished.
" beside date I'm sure you wouldn't even have a dress that would fit you anymore you know
you've been so busy haven't had time to go to a gym lately looks like you gained a few extra pounds." Julie walks off trying not to get emotional it's just carrie being carrie. She walks out of the school doors as she rushes down the stairs.
" Julie...Julie... Wait!" Flynn says but, it's no use!
OK Disclaimer: I honestly had no clue where i was going with this when i started but, I got an idea now so yeah the next one is gonna have lots of Julie and Luke. Also I felt dumb writing this cause Julie is in no way fat but like i did have a idea of what i was going to do!

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