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I decided to go ahead and write a new chapter in honor of hitting 1k read, So New chapter Yayyyy! This one is going to have some Alex and Willie in it as promised i'm not going to pair them together yet though but Willie will show up! Also shout out to willowjameson shes so cool go follow her! If you want a shout out all you have to do is Like, Follow and comment your name and i will Give you a shoutout in the newest chapter!!!💛 Also thank you again for 1k!!!

A cool breeze Blew down the streets as the blonde boy walked slowly down the sidewalk.
He was happy for his friends don't get him wrong but now he had the whole night to himself unsure of what to do he had been walking up the same street for The past hour. He finally sat down on a bench tired of walking. He looked  down the street seeing A boy riding a skateboard his hopes filled only to be let down when he saw it was Willie. He put his head down before standing up ready to go home. He began walking not knowing where he was going when bam he ran into someone.
" Sorry" he said not looking up.
" No It's only fair I knocked you over last time."
He looked up remembering the voice.
" Willie what are you,"
" I can explain but we got to go" He put his hand on the blondes shoulder as suddenly they were no longer on the street they were back in the studio at Julies house.
" I didn't know i could still do that" Alex said surprised.
" You can't I did it." Willie says.
" Oh"
" Yeah"
" How are you here?" Alex asks as he thought he was never to see him again.
"I think the real question is how you are here"
" Yeah well I wanna know too."
" You might want to sit down first"
" Wait you know?"
"It was confusing but first but i get it now"
" What?"
" Love, When two soulmates are meant for each other it doesn't matter if they're dead or alive, The tears of compassion from the living can anchor can bring the dead back to life, It's only when the love is realized, Pretty much re-righting fate. This is the first time in over 10 thousand years that this happened."
" Wait Are you saying,"
" Julie and Luke are Soulmates,Yeah"
" Oh my god,"
" I know,"
" Then how are me and reggie still here."
" You and Luke died on the same day at the same time and somehow you guys are linked"
" Woah"
" Yeah it's pretty freaking weird I know."
"So what now."
" I guess you live, But i have to warn you it was pretty powerful to do that and a lot of people don't wish to see them together the last pair were killed tearing a veil in the spiritual realm allowing anyone who died to pass over, If the tear opens up again the only way to stop it is.."
" For one of them to die."
" Look it's not realistic the veil has been closed for along ass time, But you do need to tell them"
" I don't know if i should be happy because they are soulmates or sad cause they could die"
" I say be happy y'all get to live."
" Your right"
"I have to get going"
" Wait you can't stay" Alex asks.
" No but, don't worry hotdog i'll be back."
With that willie is gone.
Alex flips down on the couch before sitting up fast.
" Holy shit Luke and Julie are soulmates!"

OOoohhh Drama!!!! The next chapter will be up  Tomorrow morning!🥰 If you Like Outerbanks be sure to check out my new Jiara book called 'Be Alright' 📚

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