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"Guys" Alex says in a panic
"Guys get up" He repeats again.
" What" Flynn mumbles as she picks her head up off a sleeping reggies chest.
"Reginald Up NOW"Alex says frustrated as reggie begins to wake.
" What" He groans as he pulls flynn closer to him as she smiles slightly.
" Guys Luke didn't come back
last night"
" Julies going to be crushed." Flynn says feeling bad for her best friend
"So what can we do about it alex"
" I don't know but we probably should tell julie right"
"yeah come on" Flynn says holding reggies hand dragging him out of bed.
"I'm soo tired" reggie complains
" Well once we talk to julie we can go back to sleep now come on"
" Where do you think he could be?"Flynn asked as they headed towards the house.
" He might be at his parents" Alex said
" Or the beach"
" Or a Club"
" I highly doubt he's at a club after he finds out he has a soulmate."
Flynn says to reggie as alex opens the door or the house.
" I really don't get it i thought he liked julie cause i already know she likes him"
" He does they're just taking a little while to realize their feelings"
Alex says put out.
" Yeah he's right."
" They obviously love each other"
" yeah definitely"
" Look there has to be a good explanation for why luke didn't come home last night" Alex says as he opens the door still looking at Them as they look shocked at what they see over alex's shoulder
" Well i think i found the reason"
Reggie whispers as alex looks wide eyed seeing a sleeping Julie and a sleeping Luke cuddled up fats asleep.

I know this is short i'm sorry but i didn't have a lot of time to write but i wanted to get this out there!

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