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Phantom Zone- 3
The credits had just ended as Julie Looked at the screen apprehensively. They had just got to the part where the clown got the little boy when Julie flinched a little. " You okay?" Luke mouthed worried about his girl...He means his "Friend". Julie shakes her head yes but, i'm reality she couldn't understand why someone would ever choose to watch this crappy movie. Luke grabs a blanket as he throws it over both His and Julies lap temporarily distracting Julie from the scary movie. For a moment she gets lost in his eyes as he gets lost in hers.
Julies phone buzzes as she looks to check it,
Flynn: See something intriguing?
she glances at her best friend rolling her eyes as she puts her phone away.
As another jump scare comes on julie Jumps as she starts shaking a little. Luke puts his arm around her trying to calm her down.She looks up at him with a small grateful smile. Every time a jumps scare would come he would hold her closer rubbing shapes and patterns on her back in attempt to distract her. After almost 2 hours the movie finally comes to an end. Alex yawned " I'm out guys" as he made his way to the inflatable air mattress on the floor in the corner. Luke looked down at the sleeping girl who was resting her head on his shoulder. " Any idea how i'm going to get her to her bed?" Luke asked Flynn with a chuckle. " Unless you wanna meet her dad at 4am explaining what's she was doing hanging out with you and two other boys in her garage this late at night i got nothing." Flynn said. " oh and Is it cool if i crash on the couch i don't feel like driving home?" She asked. " Yeah of course" Reggie said smirking at Luke ad he nodded to Flynn. Luke looked down again at the sleeping girl on his shoulder, She looks like an angel he couldn't help but think.
Carefully he picks her up as he lays her down in his bed upstairs that over looks the living room type area. He places some blankets on her before brushing the hair out of her face. He walks down the stairs to the living room before plopping down on the couch.
" You know y'all are good for each other." Flynn says before closing her eyes.
Luke couldn't help but smile at that before falling asleep.

Ik short chapter but it will get better i promise you that i have some things planned you won't want to miss. ❤️

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