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She followed him down the stairs their fingers intwined.
She couldnt help but smile at this even though she knew it probably meant nothing. Little did she know he did this on purpose never wanting to let go. He turned around walking backward as he smiles at her. He goes over to the old CD player on the counter top as he hits play as some of the old sunset curve songs ring through the speakers. He started singing along with a goofy smile as he knew every word by heart, as he should he was the one who wrote it every word came from the heart.
Julie cant help but smile looking at how happy he looks. He grabs her hand as they dance through the kitchen. Luke spins her around until he's the only thing keeping her from falling but, he won't let go not now not ever. He takes her by surprise when picks her up by her waste as he sets her on the counter top. She giggles as a grin appears on Luke's face. "What?" She asks him as he continues grinning at her.
"You're adorable when you smile"
He says flirting with her.
" Whatever" she said rolling her eyes ignoring it he's just being nice. "It's true you know you always look adorable." he said as he looks away a bit kinda embarrassed. " Anyways  he said as he goes the the freezer grabbing icecream and a few bowls as well as some toppings to make a Chocolate Sundae. The both begin to make there Sundaes as Luke looks a Julie with a Scheme at heart. " Hey, Do you want whip cream?" he asks walking towards her. "Sure" she says falling into his trap. He starts to put some in the ice cream before getting some on her nose. "Oops" he said laughing as Julie grabbed the can ready for war. " Oh your so gonna get it." She begins to chase him around the kitchen before he catches her as they both fall to the ground laughing as they eat their ice cream " I have another idea" Luke said smiling.
" I don't know if i wanna know" she says sarcastically.
" Come on"
" where are we going"
Luke laughs before picking her up by her waste throwing her over his shoulder as he carries her up the stairs as she laughs protesting him to put her down.
" You ask your many questions"
He opens the door to her window as he sets he down back on her feet.
" What are we doing?"
" Do you trust me?" he says offering his hand.
" You know i do" she says as she takes a hold of his hand confidently.
He steps out the window as he begins to walk up the roof helping Julie along.
Once they get to the top, The sit overlooking the street as well as the studio as their legs dangle off, If Julies Aunt would have seen her she would have died of shock.
" I used to come up her through the side latter back when i was actually alive."
" You're alive Luke."
" Yeah i guess I kinda am"
Julie smiles at him.
" You know sitting up here with you i feel more alive than ever." he says looking into her eyes as sets his hand down next to him, where julies hand is as Their hands touch both go to connect them so they're intertwined. The don't look at each other for a few moments. "Hey so Flynn was here earlier."
" Yeah i need to text her i just don't wanting her pep talk at the moment." Julie said as luke chuckled
"She mention there was a dance tomorrow" He said thinking a little, as he was kinda nervous.
" Did she" Julie says hoping her friend isn't trying to play matchmaker again.
" Well actually she kinda asked reggie."
Julie busts out laughing along side him,
" Wait seriously, I do regret missing that."
"Yeah reggie stuttered through but he manages to say yes."
They both laughed at their friends.Once the laughter dialed down Luke seemed his opportunity,
"So I was wondering maybe if you wanted I could go with you." 
Julie felt her heart stop she actually just offered to take her to  school dance.
" As friends?" She questions
" Umm yeah if that's what umm you want." He said.
" Well I would love it if you would go with me." She says excitedly.
He smiles letting out a breath of relief.
"So where are they guys huh?"
"My guess is the closest pizza place yelling at each other about toppings."
" Sounds like them" Julie says not surprised.
" It's getting late you should probably go to sleep."
" Yeah your probably right."
Luke stands up as he helps Julie up. All of the sudden Julies foot slips on a loose shingle as she slips almost falling off the roof if it wasn't for Luke he caught her pulling her body closer to his.
" I would never let you fall"
She smiles at him as he looks at her in love. " Thanks,"
They climb back in the bedroom as Julie goes and hops in the bed as Luke walks towards the door.
" Can you turn the lights off."
" Sure, goodnight,"
The lights go dark and all julia can see is the clown from that awful movie.
"Wait Luke,"
" Yeah Julie"
" Umm never mind it's nothing" Julie says not wanting to bug him.
" Julie you can tell me anything."
" Your gonna laugh"
" I promise you i won't laugh at you." Luke says letting go of the door knob.
"It's just that movie was kinda terrifying and.."
" You want me to stay?"
" If you don't mind...i know you probably have things to do and..."
" Julie," Luke says cutting her off.
"I don't mind at all."
" Yeah it's cool." he said smiling.
Luke sits on the chair next to her bed.
Julie looks at him smiling before looking out the window as she jumps.
" Did you just jump?"Luke asks laughing a little.
" Shut up!"
"Don't worry Julie I will fight off any evil clowns that come your way." Luke says with a smirk.
" Yes"
" You don't have to sleep in the chair."
"here." Julie says scooting over lifting up the blankets.
" Okay." Luke says as he gets in bed turning on his side so him and Julie are facing each other.
They stare at each other in silence for what feels like a life time til Luke's eyes fill with sleep as his breathing slows down.
Julie can't help but notice how peaceful he looks when he's asleep.
Julie pushes a piece of his hair out of his face as she smiles even bigger. " Even if you don't feel the same way, I will always care about you." she said going to sleep.

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