Possession (Chapter 20)

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" You really want to go outside? I thought you were a shut-in?" George huffed as Dream acted hurt.

" Is it really that surprising? I just wanna see nature and shit, you get restless when getting locked in your rooms for less than a week-" Dream pouted as he flopped onto the living room couch.

George frowned as he put on his signature blue sweater.

" Fine I guess, but I'm inviting the guys too," George snorted as he pulled out his phone.

Dream went silent for a few minutes before speaking up.

" Georgie doesn't want it to be considered a date then?" Dream mused causing George to blush.

" Your lucky this time, I would've thrown my phone at your head but I actually need my phone," George huffed as he started to type a text message to the group chat.


Anyone up to raid bbh's bakery?
11:12 AM

Samsung Refrigerator 
I will always be ready to raid his place, but the bed calls for me
11:14 AM

Other George
Think about the foooood pandddaaa
11:15 AM

If you come early I'll have some extra treats ready :3
11:16 AM

Deffo coming now george
11:16 AM

Samsung Refrigerator 
11:17 AM

Other George
11:17 AM

So everyone's free to do so?
11:18 AM

Samsung Refrigerator
Fine, I'll tag along
11:19 AM

Other George
Deffo be there
11:20 AM

11:20 AM



" You muffin! Give that back!" Darryl shouted as Zak started running away with his phone.

" Wanna trade then?" Zak giggled as he waved the phone around.

" A kiss on the forehead and you get the phone back, deal?" Zak said making Darryl lightly blush.

" Fine, but just for my phone," Darryl mumbled as he gave Zak a quick peck. Zak smiled as he slipped Darryl's phone back into his hand.

Hearing the door swing open, Darryl grinned seeing everybody.

" Wow, you two progressing rather fast," Nick teased as he sat down at one of the bigger tables.

George and Dream were the last one's to come into the store after Spifey, it looked like George was giggling at something Dream had said.

The little group meetup lasted for a while, none of the people wanting to leave the peaceful place and their friends.

It was nice, and Darryl always loved this type of atmosphere.

Darryl paused though as he watched Dream lean into George's ear to whisper something.

George looked at all the others with a worried look before giving a quick nod and walking out of the store with Dream.

Darryl felt a little confused, he wondered what Dream had said.


Words: 435



Seennnddd meee youuurrr ennnerrrggggyyy

suffering from a writer's block and I want to get at least four chapters out today-

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