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Sana's POV.

The class was over and i quickly fixed my things before i left the classroom to eat, i was feeling hungry, i should atleast buy myself a sandwich and a chocolate milk.

When i was near the stairs, someone grabbed me towards the rooftop. I tried to scream but one of them covered my mouth. They brought me on the corner, i hugged my own knees, i was feeling so afraid even tho, i'm used to this.

"you bitch, you don't deserve that place. Chou Tzuyu was supposed to be sitting beside me, you think she will talk to a loser like you? She's a high quality type of a person compared to a trash like you" Ari, the girl who loves to made fun of me said. I looked down and bit my lower lip, that hurts.

a trash like you..

All of sudden, she grabbed my hair tight causing me to yelp. Her friends are laughing and having fun while watching me suffer and hurt. This world is full of cruel people indeed.

Ari slapped me hard, the side of my lips stings and it signals that there's a wound. She put her hands on my neck, they surely wanna kill me. Go on, why can't they just shoot me in the head or push me in this high building.

"fucking stop!!" we heard a shout from the door, i slowly opened my eyes and saw.. her.

Ari immediately let go of my neck and act innocently, she gulped while i fell on the ground. I panted, my body aches.

"i saw everything and you should pay for it, Jo Ari. Get lost before i beat your ass" Tzuyu said with her deep low voice that send shivers on my spine. Ari and her friends went out the rooftop, leaving me and Chou Tzuyu alone.

She approached me and pulled her handkerchief from her pocket, she was about to put it on my wound but i immediately pulled my face away.

"don't be scared, i'm here" she said and slowly put the cloth on my wound, i hissed. It hurts.

"its gonna be okay, why did they do that to you?" she asked and sat beside me, i just looked down. I feel shy and scared right now.

"i guess you already know me, i'm Chou Tzuyu and i sit beside you during our class. What's your name?" she asked, i looked at her and she did the same. Her eyes, its so beautiful.

"Sana.. my name is Sana" i said, she slowly smiled at me and i can feel my heart beating so fast.

"okay Sana, its nice meeting you. I want to know you better and atleast, let me protect you from those bullies" she said with that smile. I was mesmerized.

and that's where it started, when i saw that beautiful smile..

A soulmate who wasn't  meant to be. // SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now