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It was 5pm when i came back on the classroom, wiping my sweat because our teacher told us to clean the field. Sana looks sick earlier so the teacher said that she should head back inside and rest.

I stopped at the door when i saw her on the table, sleeping on her arms. I let out a sigh and smiled after. I approached her and sat beside her, looks like she's really tired and sleepy. I tuck the hair that's been falling on her face behind her ear, my smile never fades. She was so beautiful.

All of sudden, she opened her eyes and widened them after she saw me. She immediately sat up straight.

"yah.. how long have you been watching me?" she asked and wandered her eyes on the place, i think she realize that she's still on school. She let out a sigh.

"i just arrived" i said, she hummed.

I stood up and grabbed my bag on my seat, she did the same. We walked outside the school and now we are on the streets. The sun is slowly going down, its nice to see. The sky is now colored as orange with a mix of white.

"the sky is pretty" i said to her she nodded and looked up too, i chuckled before smiling.

"just like yo-" i didn't finish what i was about to say when i heard a loud thud, i stopped from walking and looked at the back. I widened my eyes and quickly approached her. She tripped on her own shoelaces for god's sake.

She groaned in pain, i pulled her to stand carefully. She hissed, there's a wound on her knee. Such a clumsy girl. She was about to speak but i cleared my throat, she shut up.

I bend one of my knees and tied her shoelaces, i didn't even notice that it was untied. Once i'm done, i offered my back for a piggyback ride.

"eh?! i-i can walk-" she stuttered.

"you're hurt, get on my back and let's get you home" i said and slyly smiled. I heard her sigh and get on my back, i slowly lifted myself up and continued to walk.

The sky is getting dark, she was on my back. My smile is getting wider. I never did this to someone, i never asked someone to ride my back even tho they're hurt. She's the only person i asked for this.

A soulmate who wasn't  meant to be. // SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now