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10:00 pm, @Seoul Hospital.

Sana and Tzuyu went on the Hospital's rooftop, feeling the chill and relaxing breeze of the night. They sat on a bench, both of them got smiles on their lips. Sana's smile that Tzuyu will never ever forget. They looked up in the sky, watching the stars twinkle on the dark sky. Sana felt like she's the happiest person in the world, having Tzuyu on her side before she passed away.

Sana rested her head on Tzuyu's shoulder and closed her eyes, she let out a deep breath. The moment feels so relaxing, it's so peaceful. She got nothing in mind, but the both of them.

"imagine, if you're normal like other people, what would be your ambition in life?" Tzuyu asked, Sana hummed and let out a deep breath again.

"i want to be a teacher, i want to teach kids, i want them to learn something good from me that they can remember for the rest of their lives. I want to see kids pursuing their dreams by studying hard to make their parents proud." Sana mumbled with a smile, Tzuyu can't help it to smile but can feela pinch on her heart after hearing those words from Sana. Both of them knows that Sana wouldn't be able to achieve her dreams in this life, no matter how hard they try, her life would never change. She was born sick and to suffer then die. No matter how sad it is to know of to hear, there's nothing they could do.

"how about you?" Sana asked, Tzuyu let out a deep breath too before she stares at the stars.

"hmm me? i want to be a famous writer in the future" Tzuyu said with a sly smile in her lips, that's the only thing she dreamed of when she was young until she grew up as a teenager.

"i want people to love the books i'll write, i want them to learn something from what i write. The books meaning may be deep but once they read it, i'm sure they'll get what's the moral lesson of the story in the book. Something like that, i want that to happen. I want to be writer, not the next handler of the company or a businesswoman" Tzuyu said with a chuckle, after hearing those words, Sana sat up straight and looked at the latter. Tzuyu did the same, their gazes are locked on each other.

"push what you want, don't let others control your life. Live your own life, achieve your dreams and don't mind the people that is against it" Sana started, Tzuyu smiled and tucked the hair that's been covering Sana's beautiful face.

"okay, i will live my own life and achieve my dreams, i will do what you said. Because i know that will lead me in a much better path" Tzuyu said with a smile, Sana can't help but to smile too.

"go, future writer! achieve your dreams!" Sana said in a cheerful way, she's weak and tired but can't show it at the moment. Tzuyu chuckled and held her cheek, the wind blew, both of them closed their eyes as Tzuyu connects their lips. Sharing a passionate kiss.

Tzuyu pulled away and pressed both of their foreheads together without opening their beautiful eyes.

"i love you Sana, i really do." Tzuyu mumbled, Sana can feel her heart aches again. She can't even say it back..

Sana couldn't say it back so as a response, she connected both of their lips again, to share a passionate and sincere kiss once again.

"i couldn't say it back.. i badly want to say that i love you so much too but my mouth couldn't say it.. i love you so much Tzuyu, you didn't know how much.. i love you.. i really do too.."

A soulmate who wasn't  meant to be. // SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now