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Tzuyu's POV.

"welcome to the class Ms. Myoui, please do sit in front of Ms. Cho-" the teacher didn't finish her words when Mina approach the seat in front of me. I wasn't showing any expressions on my face, that face, i don't want to see it ever again.

"hello i'm Mina, nice to meet you, Ms. Chou" she said with a slight smirk the sit on the chair, i closed my eyes and clenched my fist. I breathed heavily and stood up, the class is finished now. I went straight on the bathroom and closed the door. I washed my face on the sink and stared at myself on the mirror.

"calm down Tzuyu, calm down" i said and let out a deep breath then went to the cafeteria to see Sana, she must be looking for me. I wandered my eyes on the place, why she wasn't there? i hissed and looked for her everywhere. Even at the field, i stopped from walking when i saw her with a familiar face under the tree. Fuck.

I ran towards them and grabbed Sana's arm then covered her. 

"don't approach her, please stop" i said coldly, Mina chuckled. She looked at me with those eyes, those eyes that played with my sincere feelings. Her eyes, it was a trap. and i fell on her trap.

"you don't care if i will approach her or not, you won't tell me what to do" she aid and tried to grabbed Sana but i stopped her by smacking her hand. She let out a sigh and smirked after. We made an eye contact, anger is slowly flowing on my veins.

"you can't easily get what you want this time Mina, stop acting like everyone will obey your orders. Stop being delusional" i said then walked away with Sana, leaving Mina under the shade of the tree. Sana was telling me to stop walking but i dragged her on the locker room. I don't know but i feel nothing but anger after seeing that face again.

A soulmate who wasn't  meant to be. // SaTzuWhere stories live. Discover now