Never let you go -17

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Hello everyone ❤️
Sorry for the late, this year it wasn't my best years,
and I was so sad for lost my dear person,
it was hard times, but still trust in god that everything has its wisdom and goal.

Hope everyone of you are ok and surrounded by your lovers 🌹

Before I forget thank you sooo much for your pms and supporting me with your lovely words I appreciate it 💗

Hope you like this part ❤️

The day of the Talent show came, and I was in backstage preparing my clothes and myself to show my talent and to get my target, I took a peek behind the stage's curtain, I found the man who order to kill my father.

He was sitting between some business men, It doesn't matter since I will get him down.

"I wonder where is Tadao, I didn't see him earlier" I muttered while I was looking around.

"The current show will end soon you are next, be ready in 5 minutes" the coordinator came up to alert me.

I nodded.

I released a heavy sign while I put my hand on my chest.

"Ok, It's Show Time!" I said with determination.

"Now ! The next contestant is Mesaki ! She will sing in a Traditional style" the presenter said with enthusiastic.

*audiences clapping*

I stepped to the central of the stage with my outlooking, which I was wearing Kimono with a traditional make up, I bowed to the audiences I look my target, he was clapping with an ugly smirk, guess he didn't recognized me yet.

I started to sing and moving slowly.

after I start singing 1 minute, the target widened his eyes with fear and shock, his face was pale like he saw a ghost, he was shacking and pointed with his finger toward me, I was continuing my performance while I was looking at him with anger.

He stood up and screamed.


The bodyguards were in shock for a moment, then they run toward me.

I jumped of the stage to the top of the audiences' chairs, avoiding the bodyguards and heading to my target, he was running escaping from me with two of his bodyguards.l, taking chance the audiences were running too.

"You will not running from me you traitor!" I said

I took out my father's dagger to kill him from kimono's sleeve.

Suddenly, one of the bodyguards blocked my way, I stepped back to fight him, he attacked me with his sword and I dodge him, I looked around there were many bodyguards surrounded me trying to get me down.

Suddenly, I saw the bodyguards falling down one after one.

The silver headed man came up with his wooden sword with a serious look.

"Why did you come here ?!" I asked Gintoki

"That's what you said to me after I rescued you ?!!" Gintoki said loudly and was annoyed while he fighting one of the bodyguards.

"YOU PRETENDED THAT YOU DON'T KNOW ME SO KEEP ACTING LIKE THAT AND LEAVE ME ALONE !!" I shouted while I got down one of the bodyguards with my weapon.

" AND YOU STILL THAT HASTY GIRL DON'T KNOW HOW TO CONDUCT WISLY !!" He shouted and replied to me while he rushed between me and one of the bodyguards the attack him and protected me.

"I'm not a child and I don't need any protection from anyone" I whispered to him and he was standing in-front on me facing them.

I ran to inside of the building to find the man who ordered to kill my father.

"O.. Oiii where are you going ??" Gintoki said but the bodyguard cut his speak by attacking him and Gintoki blocked him.

I searched the man in every room in the building until I found him one of the rooms laying on the ground, the was everywhere, you where looking with shock, he was cutting from the top of his body to the bottom, the expressions of his face was fear, scream, and suffer.

"Who would do that ?!"
"Who took from the chance to kill him by yourself and take revenge for your father ?"
"Why ?!"

You where questioning in your mind, you where so angry and disappointed.

A hand grabbed your wrist.

"Why did you do that ??! I told you before don't revenge , why wouldn't you listening to me ?!" Gintoki asked me with anger and pulled me to him until my face was about an inch from his, I can feel his hot breathing and I looked up to his red eyes.

"I didn't do it" I was about to say it, when I opened my mouth to answer him someone speak before me.

"I did it !" ......

Both of me and Gintoki turned our heads to see who's talking.

"Sakata Gintoki! You call yourself a samurai and you can't do your mission and rescue a hime ??" ....

" I know that sound belong to whom" Gintoki said

" sorry hime I took from you the chance to kill this bastard !" He stepped out of the dark, I widened my eyes, I wasn't expecting that person will come up in this time and place.

He was Takasugi Shinsuki...

He looked to us with a cold look in his eyes, he slapped his katana in the air to get rid of the blood was on it.

"Baka !! You killed the Minister of Foreign Affairs !" Gintoki said it loudy.

"Which he was a traitor, to the country, and before everything to him family, especially his brother the Emperor" Takasugi replied to Gintoki .

"What this all shit means ??!" Gintoki asked while he is looking to me with confused.

I looked at Gintoki, my eyes were full of sadness and sorrow, I turned my eyes to look to the man who is laying covered with blood.

"He was my uncle ...." I said
" He ordered to kill my father, and make deals with the foreigns in the new government" I said and my voice was cracked I was about to cry.

"(Y/N) .." Gintoki said my name in a low voice and his expressions of his face changed to sad.

"I'm sorry I didn't know what you got through, but taking revenge it's not the right way to get your purpose." Gintoki said

I was angry and sad in the same time all feelings were conflicting inside of me, my eyes were watering.

"Haaa ! So now you are learning her your stupid standards to make her getting killed in no time, that's why you are weak" Takasugi said pointing his Katana toward Gintoki.

Suddenly we heard voices and footsteps running everywhere to find the minister, they were Shinsingume.

I turned my face to look to Takasugi he was disappeared.

Me and Gintoki got out of the building before the Shinsengumi saw us.

While we are walking to home and it was night, Gintoki asked me.

"Why did you sing that song again?!"

--------- ✨

Hey guys! How are you again?!(●♡∀♡)
I hope you like this part,sorry if you find some grammer or spelling mistakes (*゚ロ゚)

please don't copy my story to any website or here. (_・ヾ

Arigatoo~ Ja~

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