Chapter 23

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I told  her she was silent for a min and replied annoyed ,then I told her about the party she was shocked she was about to say when I disconnected the call and relaxed on my seat.she looks cute when she's angry .i was smiling and busy in my thought when I got a call from DR PARKER  saying Draco is conscious, I was about to leave when the doctor said he can't meet anyone because he is going through a lot o checkup I was happy that he is fine .

I made my way to my penthouse and got ready I wore a black suit. Which was kept on my bed .I got ready and made my way towards the hall waiting for my wife .I didn't expect her to be ready on time because Annie being Annie is always going to be late, that was the reason I told her we were leaving at 5.00 .The party starts at 7.00 soo even if we are late we have enough time to reach .

As I was waiting for her I heard her coming I looked up to see A very gorgeous women  standing, very beautiful women which is my wife  .Her legs wear looking long and beautiful, her hairs were did in a lose bun some loose strands of her hairs falling on her face her.Her makeup was done perfect not much but simple .The most beautiful thing was the necklace she wore that my Maa gave her it was looking as if that is made for her it fitted her neck perfectly .I cleared my throat and said lets go when she called  me and thanked me  .I gave her a confused look and then it hit me she was thanking me for that dress .Why would I give her a dress like this, it was a decent dresss but still her legs wear looking too tempting and she herself was looking hot in that dress, I never saw her wearing something like this .


I said .she looked hurt for a second but then she composed her and we made our way towards the car the driver was staring at her when I gave him a warning look ..we sat in the car when she was looking out throughtout the ride and I was taking hidden glances on her .Her dress was showing to much of her legs how am I going to manage it throughout the evening
Oh!!!! MAA why did you do this ?????????????????

we made our way out she took the drivers hand and moved out of the car I waited for her, now I was angry .she made her way towards me and took my arms,we moved inside we went to our grandparents she acted happily the way she was acting it seems like she was really happy but why would she be happy I dint gave her any reasons to be happy .Then who is the reason of her happiness her smile .

we made our way towards the dance floor and starting dancing everybody was looking at us mostly at her.She was indeed looking the most beautiful women here.

I was staring at her and said         
‘’You did good with the act everybody seems to be happy and I am impressed .MRS KNIGHT’’

“Are you complementing me MR KNIGHT, I am offended she said playfully ,I just kept looking into her beautiful eyes the same eyes I fell in love with long back those innocent grey eyes .

As I was looking at her .I saw one of my business client looking at her I gave him a hard look and tighten my hold on her waist she didn't look a bit surprised infact she was smiling beautifully .was she thinking about someone else .I thought .

Then we attended  the rest party and made our way towards the car.I had send the driver back because I don't want anyone staring at my wife (possesive enough huh! ) my  subconscious taunted me .

i ignored and hold the car door for her ,she sat quietly and I made my way towards the driving seat and starting driving she was busy looking out .HER long neck was giving me second thoughts I was not able to concentrate on the road she was affecting me without even trying .i was busy looking at her beautiful neck when car stopped .I tried starting the engine again but it didn't soo I made my way out it was raining very heavily my black shirt was soaked with water I was checking the engine when the rain stopped all of a sudden I looked up to see,when I saw her standing there with the umbrella for me .She was looking more beautiful in the dark her skin was shinning her cloths wear wet due to the heavy rain and the small umbrella,than the umbrella just flew away due to the wind but she didn't took her eyes off me .she reached her hand yo my forehead  and moved some hairs , I was trying to control myself and here she is touching me I thought .I closed my eyes to feel her touch when she moved away .she was about to turn when I took her hand and pulled her to me .Now her beautiful dress was stucked on her body like her second skin I moved my hand to her  waist and pulled her more close to me,her beautiful grey eyes now closed due to our proximity , the water droplets flowing in her skin through her beautiful eyes small nose and then her lips .i moved my free hand towards her face and cupped her chin she opened her eyes and was looking at me with so much questions, emotions but I wanted just one emotion in her eyes and that was  LOVE .Why can't she love me.
I lean towards her and she closed her eyes I moved towards her ears and said
“ARE YOU TRYING TO PLAY CHEAP NOW, BY SEDUCING ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD””,…………………. She opend her eyes and gage me a confused look, then her eyes changed into anger .she tried moving away from me but my grip on her waist held her on place I bite her earlobe to get her still on her place and it worked she stood stilled ………………….””THAN LET ME TELL YOU MY DEAR WIFE THIS TRICKS WON'T WORK ON ME .I HAVE MET MANY WOMEN LIKE YOU IN MY PAST .””with that I pushed her away she stumbled back and was about to fall when she took a hold of the car and stood straight. She looked at me with one thing  I never wanted to see in her eyes that is HATRED.

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