The Past Continues

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Bondita was still behind the curtain, few minutes has passed, she saw Saudamini and Anirudh finally talking, they seem like they have warmed up now.. Anirudh's one hand was on Saudamini 's shoulder. Bondita felt like an arrow of emotions has hit her. She felt jealousy, more over she felt a pang in her heart, it was like her heart was breaking into two. 

She imagined that situation a zillion time, never she thought it will pain this much, that it is doing now. 

She was feeling suffocated, no longer can she stand in same place where she saw her husband with his ex. 

She left for outside, with Shamik trailing behind her. 

Little did she know, it was not only Shamik that was following her.. 

When outside Shamik saw Broken bondita, he went near her and hugged her to hold her from breaking down further. He knew all she did will make his sister happy but he never considered Bondita less than a sister. He just can't stand her breaking. 

Anirudh who came out to see if Bondita is fine saw all that. 

He just wanted to separate them, why was he hugging her, and why was she letting him do that. He remember her mentioning him to be her best friend.. Was he just her bestfriend.. But why he felt so angry, she was just his responsibility right, when did she become so important that it is hurting him to see her in someone else's embrace. 

He wanted answers, he wanted to know who he is, what does he mean to her, why was he hugging her,but he also knew questioning her in front of her friends would mean he doesn't trust her, he won't repeat the same mistake he committed years back. He went inside, but his mind was stuck there, he just cant erase the picture of them being together. 

He saw Bondita coming in with Shamik, him still holding her hands. He was around her cracking some jokes laughing on his own jokes. 

Anirudh could hear people who didn't knew Bondita is his wife talking, how perfect they look. How lucky he is to have her as his wife, they look so much in love and much more. 

And if that was his last straw to sanity, he just cant imagine her of being of someone else.. He so wanted to scream on top of his lungs that he is her husband and she is just his... That thought itself was so soothing for him. 

Saudamini was silently observing all this with a smile on her face, she knew her best friend so well.. She knew what exactly he is upto.. 

But before that she need to do an important work, the reason why she came here.. 

She went to Bondita and asked for some minutes so she can talk to her in privacy. 

Bondita  was hesitant earlier, but finally gave in, sensing it as perfect opportunity to ask for forgiveness for unknowingly stealing her happiness. 

They both were sitting in Anirudh's room which practically was of Bondita. 

They started talking, both not knowing how to talk about the main reason why they both are sitting today. Confrontation are not easy after all. 

Saudamini didi ' Bondita said. 

'Kabhi tumhari Pari didi hoti thi mai bondita.. Aur aaj pure naam se bula rhi ho.

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