✰12. Carving Pumpkins? 🍂

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(Y/n): Your name
(H/c): Hair color

It was a typical autumn day in the kingdom of Corona. The trees were as orange as a fire, and the leaves danced in the air as they fell to the ground. There was a slight chill in the breeze, and that's why (Y/n) was wearing her favorite scarf on her walk to old Corona today. As she reached the outskirts of the quaint village, she noticed that the fall harvest was well under way. Farmers made neat rows of the vegetables in the fields surrounding the houses. One hardworking man gave a warm smile and a wave to the (h/c) girl as she passed by the field.

"Good Afternoon (Y/n), here to see Varian?" The dark-haired and burly man stood up and greeted her.

"As always Quirin! I hope the harvest has been good so far?" (Y/n) grinned as she spoke, her cheeks rosy from the crisp air around her.

"It's been excellent, I'd say we'll have at least 7 piles of extra produce this year!" Quirin gestured to the stacks of pumpkins that were strewn along the edge of the fence. When he turned back to face her though, his eyes focused on something behind her; and (Y/n) turned to see what he was looking at. Suddenly, she was enveloped in a surprise hug and gave a small yelp with fright.

"Varian! You almost scared me half to death, I didn't walk all the way over here to die..." She reprimanded the black-haired and freckled young man who was trying not to burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Alright alright, I apologize. I saw a chance and I took it. You can't blame me, especially when you just look so huggable!" He finally managed to speak through the chuckling, and (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at his words.

"Huggable? You made that word up." She folded her arms and watched from behind the fence as Quirin skillfully chopped a few more pumpkin stems and carried them to a nearby pile.

"No, it's a word; and you're definitely the definition of it." Varian smirked and folded his arms, mimicking the young lady beside him. (Y/n) looked over at him again and giggled to herself. They shared a few seconds of adoring eye-contact before turning back to the scenes in front of them.

"Nice scarf." Varian mentioned casually.

"Thanks, this weird guy who makes up words made it for me." She replied with a playful tone.

"Wow, he sounds pretty smart - and handsome, and super awesome." (Y/n) gave him an affectionate shove in the shoulder and laughed at his comment. Then she looked down at the not-so-amazingly-knitted but lovingly-crafted multicolored scarf that hung comfortable around her neck; keeping her cozy.

"Yeah, he is." She smiled softly as Varian felt his heart glow. A few moments passed before either of the pair said anything, but they were content enough to stand close in each other's presence. "Your dad said that there was a lot of extra pumpkins this year." (Y/n) mentioned, looking up at her apron-wearing companion.

"Yeah I know, I wish there was something alchemical I could do with it. I'm fed up of eating pumpkin soup, and pie." Varian replied, obviously frustrated at the thought of having a squashed based diet.

"We should carve some!" (Y/n) suggested enthusiastically, her (e/c) eyes lighting up as she spoke.

"Carve them? Like roast beef?" He lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"No like carving a pumpkin," Varian still didn't understand what she was saying, "You've never heard of carving pumpkins?" (Y/n) asked earnestly while the freckled boy shook his head from side to side. She had a look of slight shock on her face. "Well, now we have to do it." (Y/n) walked through the opening of the gate and Varian followed close behind her. She approached Quirin, who was stacking the vegetables into organized piles.

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