Chapter 6

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Tay's P.O.V.

It was always harder to focus on schoolwork when Jenna was constantly smiling. Sure, it was a little disloyal to Alex to be suddenly crushing on a girl, especially an outcast, but I couldn't help myself.

As I laid on my bed, Jenna was seated at the little desk under the window with the Trigonometry textbook in her lap. She was asking me questions and I was supposed to be answering them, but I would completely blank out and she would walk me through everything. I understood Trig. I still very much enjoyed that class, but since math was Jenna's favorite subject, who was I to take away the fun she got out of "teaching" me all about it.

"Okay, so if 'x' over seven minus 'y' is equal to four, what does 'x' equal?" Jenna asked.

I looked up and thought to myself, doing the math in my head. This was basic algebra, which I definitely understood. Multiply 'x' over seven minus 'y' by its reciprocal, seven minus 'y' over one, so that it cancels out. Then multiply four by seven minus 'y' to get...

"Twenty-eight minus four 'y,' " I answered.

My eyes fell on Jenna's happy grin and that made me smile a little. I knew that she was proud of me for getting it right, but, like I said, I was actually pretty good at math.

"Nice," she said, trying to sound cool. But I knew she was proud of me.

"Thanks," I said.

My phone buzzed and I looked over to see that Sierra had texted me. Jenna continued scrolling through my grades on my laptop as I read Sierra's text.

From Sierra Kusterbae😘😍😍❤️❤️:

We still doin the do😂😂😘?

I chuckled and saw Jenna look up at me. I quickly texted back a "hell yeah bitch 😜" and Jenna shook her head at me.

"Phones away during tutoring, Miss Jardine," she said.

I gasped, set my hand on my heart. "This thing is my life," I said.

She rolled her eyes. "You're being completely overdramatic."

"You're being under-dramatic."

Jenna let out a laugh. "You're an idiot. Come on, back to work."

I smiled and laid on my side, facing Jenna as I watched her grab the Biology textbook and flip through the pages.

"Did you do your biology homework like I told you to?" she asked.

"Uh, no," I said like it was obvious. "Homework's gross."

"Homework is your bad grade in all your classes, Tay."

I groaned. "I regret giving you my password."

Jenna shrugged adorably and I bit my lip. Sierra texted me again and I looked down to read it:

From Sierra Kusterbae😘😍😍❤️❤️:

K Tay bae 😘😘 you bringing a hot date since no Lex??

I pursed my lips and looked up at Jenna, who was pulling her hair up into a ponytail. Would she want to go to the party?

Me: Idk about a date but there is someone I want you to meet ☺️

Jenna turned to look at me, her face reddening when she realized that I was staring at her. I seriously couldn't contain myself. She was so pretty. I was actually a little envious. Yes, Taylor Jardine was envious of another girl's looks. I'd never felt that way before. I mean, I'm extremely good-looking. But Jenna was a different level of beauty.

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