Chapter 19

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"W-why did you have to do that in front of them..?" Izuku timidly whined, his whole face a deep red. "Now, it's sure that they know what we're going to do..." A flustered whimper left his lips as utter embarrassment filled him up.

Katsuki let out a deep chuckle in response and the sound made Izuku's heart flutter. Suddenly, the omega was picked up by Katsuki and placed on strong laps, emerald eyes locking with crimson ones.

"They won't give a shit, don't worry," Katsuki reassured him. His voice was low and seductive as his hands slowly slipped under Izuku's shirt, making the omega's breathing hitch. "They're used to it," he added, his lips softly brushing against Izuku's neck and creating goosebumps on the sensitive skin.

But Izuku's heart suddenly dropped at the words. "T-they're used to it...?" He repeated, his voice sounding small and slightly quivering.

"Hm." Katsuki absentmindedly answered as he kept trailing soft kisses on Izuku's neck and shoulder.

As the King, he could do whatever he wanted and no one would ever say anything to him. So it wasn't rare of him to call an omega to cock-warm him when a meeting was getting too long, or simply because he felt like it. In the same way, relieving stress during wars was necessary but it wasn't always possible to find some privacy...

"Y-you had sex with other omegas..." Izuku murmured in a small voice. He remembered how Ochaco had told him that Katsuki was rumoured to be great in bed, and it could only mean one thing.

"Not only omegas," Katsuki answered bluntly. Although betas were quite boring to fuck, putting alphas into submission and fucking them was fun. However, omegas still were the best lays.

Even though it had to be expected, hearing it still hurt Izuku. He knew that Katsuki was older than him and that alphas were known to have a high sex drive... but Izuku would have still preferred to be Katsuki's first, the same as Katsuki was going to be his first.

It hurt to know he was nothing special to the King.

"Are you jealous?" Katsuki asked as he noticed Izuku's sudden silence. The omega shook his head no but avoided Katsuki's gaze, a look of hurt filling his beautiful emerald eyes.

"N-no, it's not that..." He timidly answered as he refused to look into Katsuki's red eyes.

But Katsuki wasn't having it. He gently grabbed Izuku's chin, forcing their eyes to lock together. "What is it?" He asked. He could see something was bothering Izuku.

"Does it upset you, that I've fucked other people?" He asked and Izuku bit his lips, his cheeks turning a soft pink. He didn't want to say it aloud but, the truth was that it was upsetting him, a lot, even though he shouldn't care about this.

"Yes..." he timidly admitted as he lowered his emerald eyes.

Katsuki didn't know why, but he didn't like the thought of Izuku being upset because of him. So he gently caressed Izuku's cheeks with his thumb, making the omega look up at him again.

"It shouldn't." He firmly stated. "In the end, you're the one I chose to be my mate, aren't you?" He asked and Izuku's breathing suddenly hitched, his heart skipping a beat at Katsuki's words.

"You're the only one I'll be with from now on. Who gives a shit about the rest?" Katsuki continued. He slowly leaned in, bringing his lips right next to Izuku's ear.

"You'll even like the fact that I have experience," he started to murmur in a low seductive voice. "I'll be able to pleasure you like no one else could, I'll make you lose your mind." He promised and Izuku let out a small whimper in response, his knees growing weak.

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