Chapter 7

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Izuku's steps resonated in the large corridors of the crimson palace.

The omega was heading to the library alone. He was supposed to wait for Todoroki but had decided to go without the knight. He needed to be alone to gather his thoughts, even if only for a small moment.

Izuku was lost. The alpha he was meant to become mate with didn't see him as anything more than an omega to breed. Izuku hated the situation he was in. He hated how Katsuki was treating him. But, despite this, his body was reacting to any of the King's touches...

It was disturbing. Izuku didn't know what to make of it and kept thinking about it.

Lost in his thoughts, he wasn't particularly paying attention to where he was walking, when he suddenly bumped into someone while turning a corner.

A small yelp escaped his lips, the impact almost making him fall. He looked up to see who he had stumbled upon but didn't expect his eyes to land on one of the King's generals.

"Well, if it isn't the King's little plaything..." Monoma mocked, a smirk making its way on his face as he looked at Izuku.

His words definitely took Izuku aback and a small groan instinctively left the omega, a glare taking upon his features. "I'm not the King's little plaything." He snarled.

Monoma snorted. "Careful, there..." He taunted, his purple eyes darkening as he slowly approached Izuku. "Don't think you have the fucking right to growl at me only because the King fuck you." He threatened.

"What?" Izuku only had time to say before Monoma suddenly wrapped a hand around his small neck, lifting him up from the floor.

"You're a mere omega and I will never bow to you," Monoma stated, baring his fangs right in front of Izuku's face. He tightened his grip around the omega's neck not enough to kill Izuku but just enough to make him struggle to breathe. "You should be the one begging for my pardon for having dared bumping into me." He groaned.

Royalty or not, omegas were born to submit to alphas. Katsuki could say anything he wanted, Monoma would never obey nor respect Izuku.

Izuku didn't understand why Monoma was suddenly hurting him when he had done nothing to the general. He whimpered in pain as he tried to pry Monoma's hands away from around his neck, but his strength was no match to an alpha. He could do nothing but breathlessly gasp for air.

"Don't touch him." Someone suddenly said and Monoma was harshly yanked back, forcing him to let go of Izuku. The omega fell on the floor and coughed, his hands moving to touch his abused neck.

"Who do you think you are?!" Monoma shouted full of rage as his eyes came upon a bicolored alpha. No one was allowed to push him and then live on.

"I'm the prince's personal guard," Todoroki answered, standing in front of Izuku to protect him. As soon as he had realized the omega had left for the library without him, he had hurried to find him.

Monoma scoffed. "And you think you can disrespect one of the generals without dying after?" He asked, his hand moving to the sword fastened to his side. He would show this lowlife his place.

Todoroki's gaze hardened. He suddenly let out threatening pheromones, the entire atmosphere around him changing and turning dangerous. "I could destroy you without any difficulty." He threatened.

He was a dominant alpha and Monoma wasn't. He didn't even need to fight the other to overpower him, his pheromones were enough.

"Do not dare touch or even look at the prince ever again." He growled, his voice resonating deeply and coming out blood-curdling.

Monoma paled. He couldn't believe someone else than the King could make him submit, him, an alpha, like this. He understood he didn't have any chance against Todoroki and cursed under his breath, anger and frustration swelling inside him.

"This isn't over." He grunted just before walking away.

Todoroki let him, Monoma wasn't his main priority. "Are you okay, prince?" The knight immediately turned to face Izuku, clear concern in his voice.

"Yes, thank you, Todoroki..." Izuku answered weakly. He was quite shaken up, because of Monoma's sudden harsh treatment but also because of Todoroki's threatening pheromones. Even if they hadn't been directed to him, he had still felt their effects and could hear his heart beating loudly inside his chest.

"Are you hurt anywhere? It seemed like he tried to choke you." Todoroki worried. He couldn't help it. Izuku was so tiny and fragile that the smallest thing could bruise him.

"I'm okay..." Izuku tried to reassure but Todoroki wasn't having it. "Let me see your neck." He said as he carefully pulled Izuku's collar back to check on any possible bruise. But the sight his eyes landed on certainly wasn't the one he was expecting.

"This..." He murmured, his eyes widening in shock.

"What?" Izuku asked, wondering why Todoroki was reacting like this, when he suddenly remembered what his neck was covered with...

Dark red hickeys Katsuki had left when they had taken the bath.

Izuku promptly hid his neck with his hands, his whole face turning a dark red. "O-oh. It's nothing..." He stammered, embarrassment setting inside him. He hadn't wanted anyone to see them, especially not Todoroki.

"Yesterday... what did the king do to you?" Todoroki asked lowly, his question causing panic to swell inside Izuku. The omega couldn't tell what had happened or Todoroki would try to fight Katsuki, and it definitely wouldn't end well.

"We took a bath together..." Izuku murmured in a small voice, refusing to mention the rest.

But Todoroki unfortunately wasn't having it. "Did he touch you?" He asked, his tone cold and his gaze hard.

It made Izuku gulp. He had rarely seen Todoroki this angry and it was scaring him. He lowered his emerald eyes in shame, his hands nervously fidgeting as he refused to answer.

Todoroki growled. "Answer me." He questioned again, apprehension setting inside him as Izuku wasn't answering. He hoped he was wrong, but then Izuku nodded timidly and uncontrollable anger abruptly took over him.

"I'm going to kill him," Todoroki stated. He didn't even waste an instant and immediately started to walk away, heading right toward the throne room.

"Todoroki! No!" Izuku promptly caught the alpha's arms, preventing him from leaving, but Todoroki harshly shook the tiny omega off.

"Do not try to stop me!" He raised his voice, fury blinding him. He kept walking toward the throne room as Izuku desperately tried to follow the alpha's rapid pace, tears swelling inside his emerald eyes.

"Please, Todoroki! You promised!" The omega cried, already seeing Todoroki die at the King's hands...

To be continued

Some drama and suspense for you, hope you like it. ;)

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