Chapter 27

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Blood warning

"Prince Bakugou?"

Torino's voice slightly shook as he spoke, utter shock and disbelief written all over his face at the sight of Katsuki. The last time he had seen the alpha was years ago, and he certainly hadn't expected to meet him again here, at the silver palace...

"It's Crimson King, now." Katsuki growled in response. He hadn't been called prince since the day he had ripped the former generals's throats out, the same day his parents had been murdered. Simply thinking back about it caused anger to swell inside him, utter rage slowly taking over him.

"What are you doing here?" Torino cautiously asked. He could see how feral Katsuki looked and instinctively started to slowly step back. The amount of threatening pheromones that were oozing out of the alpha was enormous, making his body tremble in fear.

"I came for answers." Katsuki stated. His voice was low and menacing, even blood-curling. He started to slowly walk closer to Torino and the old counsellor shivered in fright, his eyes desperately searching for an escape.

"Answers?" He shakily asked.

"Yes, answers," Katsuki repeated. He kept walking until he was standing right in front of Torino, his impressive height towering over the frightened short man. "Tell me, who was it that planned my parents' murder?" He asked with a feral growl. His crimson eyes were dark with rage, murderous intentions oozing out of him in waves.

"Was it you?" He snarled threateningly.

"It certainly wasn't me!" Torino promptly exclaimed, seeming shocked by such a suggestion. As much as he was currently terrified, he couldn't let Katsuki accuse him of treason. He wouldn't accept it.

"Then why did you run away like the shit you are?!" Katsuki suddenly shouted, his patience and nerves running out. "How could I believe you have nothing to do with my parents's murder when you suddenly disappeared the exact same day it happened?!!" He yelled in anger.

Torino flinched at the sound of Katsuki's filled-with-rage tone. It took the counsellor everything he had to not collapse under Katsuki's dominance, the only thing preventing him from doing so being his long-life experience of resisting others' pheromones.

"Because I knew you would have killed me, whether I was innocent or not." He managed to shakily answer.

Katsuki scowled. "You're lying."

"I'm not!" Torino retorted. "I learned how you had just killed all of the generals, and I knew I would be the next target of your wrath!" The counsellor exclaimed. And he had been right. In his fury, Katsuki would have killed him before he could have even uttered a word.

"You're fucking lying!" Katsuki snarled. "If not, you got to at least know something!!" He shouted furiously.

"I don't know anything! If I did, I would have immediately warned your parents!" Torino assured. He wasn't a traitor. He would have never betrayed the crown, even less participated in the murder of his King and Queen.

"Stop fucking lying!!!" Katsuki yelled.

The alpha refused to believe that Torino hadn't done anything. He refused to believe that the counsellor didn't at least know something about who was behind the murder of his parents.

He had thought he would finally know who was responsible. He had thought he could finally avenge his parents's death...

"I'll make you talk, whether you want it or not." Katsuki growled as he suddenly wrapped his hand around Torino's neck, lifting the now gasping short man in the air. "You'll confess your crime or I'll make you feel the most pain you have ever felt." He declared.

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